Migrate from Replicated

YugabyteDB Anywhere will end support for Replicated installation at the end of 2024. If your YBA installation uses Replicated, you can use YBA Installer to migrate from Replicated.

Before you begin

  • Review the prerequisites.

  • YBA Installer performs the migration in place. Make sure you have enough disk space on your current machine.

  • If your Replicated installation is v2.18.5 or earlier, or v2.20.0, upgrade your installation to v2.20.1.3 or later.

  • If you haven't already, download and extract YBA Installer. It is recommended that you migrate using the same version of YBA Installer as the version of YBA you are running in Replicated. For example, if you have v.2024.1.0.0 installed, use the following commands:

    $ wget https://downloads.yugabyte.com/releases/2024.1.0.0/yba_installer_full-2024.1.0.0-b129-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
    $ tar -xf yba_installer_full-
    $ cd yba_installer_full-

If you have high availability configured, you need to migrate your instances in a specific order. See Migration and high availability.

Migrate a Replicated installation

To migrate your installation from Replicated, do the following:

  1. Optionally, configure the migration as follows:

    $ sudo ./yba-ctl replicated-migrate config

    This generates a configuration file /opt/yba-ctl/yba-ctl.yml with the settings for your current installation, which are used for the migration. You can edit the file to customize the install further.

    Note that the installRoot (by default /opt/ybanywhere) in yba-ctl.yml needs to be different from the Replicated Storage Path (by default /opt/yugabyte). If they are set to the same value, the migration will fail. You can delete yba-ctl.yml and try again.

    For a list of options, refer to Configuration options.

  2. Start the migration, passing in your license file:

    $ sudo ./yba-ctl replicated-migrate start -l /path/to/license && sudo /opt/yba-ctl/yba-ctl restart yb-platform

    The start command runs all preflight checks and then proceeds to do the migration, and then waits for YBA to start.

  3. Validate YBA is up and running with the correct data, including Prometheus.

    If YBA does not come up or the migration has failed, you can revert to your Replicated installation using the replicated-migrate rollback command.

    After the new YBA comes up successfully, do not attempt to roll back to the original Replicated install of YBA. Rollback is only intended for scenarios where the migration fails. Any changes made with a new YBA (either using the UI or the API) are not reflected after a rollback.

    In particular, do not configure HA until running the finish command (next step) on all instances.

  4. If the new YBA installation is correct, finish the migration as follows:

    $ sudo ./yba-ctl replicated-migrate finish

    This uninstalls Replicated and makes the new YBA instance permanent.

Migration and high availability

If you have YBA high availability (HA) configured, you need to upgrade the active and standby YBA instances if they are running older versions of YBA. In addition, you need to finish migration on both the active and standby instances for failover to be re-enabled.

If Replicated is using HTTPS, migrate as follows:

  1. If your instances are v2.18.5 or earlier, or v2.20.0, upgrade your active and HA standby instances to v2.20.1.3 or later.
  2. Migrate and finish the active instance.
  3. Migrate and finish the standby instances.

Failovers are only possible after you finish the migration on both the primary and standby.

If Replicated is using HTTP, you need to remove the standbys and delete the HA configuration before migrating. Migrate as follows:

  1. Remove the standby instances.
  2. On the active instance, navigate to Admin > High Availability and click Delete Configuration.
  3. If your instances are v2.18.5 or earlier, or 2.20.0, upgrade the primary and standby instances to v2.20.1.3 or later.
  4. Migrate and finish the active instance.
  5. Migrate and finish the standby instances.
  6. Configure HA on the updated instances.

Failovers are possible again after the completion of this step.