This section describes the release support policy, versioning, and feature availability for YugabyteDB and YugabyteDB Anywhere. You can also access releases and release notes for YugabyteDB and YugabyteDB Anywhere.
-> For information on YugabyteDB Aeon releases, refer to the YugabyteDB Aeon Change log.
-> For information on YugabyteDB Voyager releases, refer to the YugabyteDB Voyager release notes.
Current releases
YugabyteDB and YugabyteDB Anywhere have three kinds of releases:
- Stable, with Long-term support (LTS)
- Stable, with Standard-term support (STS)
- Preview, with no official support
Preview releases, which include features under active development are recommended for development and testing only.
For details about the differences between the release series, see Release versioning.
Stable Release support policy
For Stable releases, the LTS or STS designation determines its support timelines.
LTS release series receive maintenance updates for at least 2 years (730 days) from the first release date of the minor release. Extended support (defined below) is provided for an additional 180 days. As a result, 2.5 years of support is provided in total.
STS release series receive maintenance updates for at least 1 year (365 days) from the first release date of the minor release. Extended support (defined below) is provided for an additional 180 days. As a result, 1.5 years of support is provided in total.
Extended support: Following the maintenance update period, Yugabyte will provide support for at least an additional 180 days subject to the following guidelines:
- Updates and Upgrades will not be made to the minor release.
- Yugabyte will direct Customers to existing Updates and workarounds applicable to the reported case.
- Yugabyte may direct Customers to Upgrade to a current release if a workaround does not exist.
End of Life (EOL): Yugabyte will post publicly on its website a notice of End of Life (EOL) for the affected Software and the timeline for discontinuing Support Services.
Archived docs available
Documentation for EOL stable releases is available at the YugabyteDB docs archive.
The information in this section is a summary for convenience only. For complete details, see the Yugabyte Support Services Agreement.
Upcoming release series
The table below includes tentative release dates for upcoming release series, subject to change.
For information on key features planned for the upcoming releases, visit Current roadmap.
Release series | Planned release |
Next LTS | End 2024 |
Recommended release series for projects
Yugabyte recommends that customers use a stable release (STS or LTS) for production.
In exceptional cases, if new feature(s) are critical for a project, and if a customer confirms with Yugabyte that such feature(s) are actually included in an upcoming stable release that aligns to the project's production timeline, then the customer can use a preview release.
For example, if your production go-live is more than three months from now, you may consider starting your development and testing with the current preview release series. By the time your production is ready to go live, the newly-released and most current stable release series (which is based on the preview release series you used for development and testing) should be available. By following this guideline, you can enable your application to be developed with the latest available features and enhancements, while maximizing quality and stability.