This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).

Most application developers have used SQL, and possibly some NoSQL databases, to build applications. YugabyteDB brings the best of these two databases together into one unified platform to simplify development of scalable cloud services.

Very often, cloud services and applications start out with just a few requests and a very small amount of data. These can be served by just a few nodes. But if the application becomes popular, they would have to scale out rapidly to handle millions of requests and many terabytes of data. YugabyteDB is well suited for these kinds of workloads.

Unifying SQL and NoSQL

YugabyteDB combines database and operational characteristics of SQL and NoSQL together in a single database platform.

Database characteristics

These can be loosely defined as the high-level concerns when choosing a database to build an application or a cloud service - such as its data model, the API it supports, its consistency semantics, and so on. The following table contrasts what YugabyteDB offers with SQL and NoSQL databases in general. Note that there are a number of different NoSQL databases each with their own nuanced behavior, and the table is not accurate for all NoSQL databases - it's just meant to give an idea.

Characteristic SQL NoSQL YugabyteDB
Data model Well-defined schema (tables, rows, columns) Schema-less Both
API SQL Various Fully-relational SQL +
Semi-relational SQL
Consistency Strong Eventual Strong
Transactions ACID None ACID
High write throughput No Sometimes Yes
Tunable read latency No Yes Yes

Operational characteristics

Operational characteristics are the runtime concerns that arise when a database is deployed, run, and managed in production. When running a database in production in a cloud-like architecture, a number of operational characteristics become essential. The following table compares the capabilities of YugabyteDB to SQL and NoSQL databases. As with the preceding section, there are a number of NoSQL databases which are different in their own ways and the following table is meant to give a broad idea.

The following table lists some of the important features that YugabyteDB supports. Note that typically multiple databases are deployed to achieve the same functionality.

Operational characteristics SQL NoSQL YugabyteDB
Automatic sharding No Sometimes Yes
Linear scalability No Yes Yes
Fault tolerance No - manual setup Yes - smart client detects failed nodes Yes - smart client detects failed nodes
Data resilience No Yes - but rebuilds cause high latencies Yes - automatic, efficient data rebuilds
Geo-distributed No - manual setup Sometimes Yes
Low latency reads No Yes Yes
Predictable p99 read latency Yes No Yes
High data density No Sometimes - latencies suffer when densities increase Yes - predictable latencies at high data densities
Tunable reads with timeline consistency No - manual setup Sometimes Yes
Read replica support No - manual setup No - no asynchronous replication Yes - synchronous and asynchronous replication options

Core features

Applications and cloud services depend on databases for a variety of built-in features. These can include the ability to perform multi-row transactions, JSON or document support, secondary indexes, automatic data expiration with time to live (TTL), and so on.

The following table lists some of the important features that YugabyteDB supports, and which YugabyteDB APIs support these features. Note that typically multiple databases are deployed to achieve these features.

Database features Yugabyte SQL API Yugabyte Cloud QL API
Multi-row transactions Yes Yes
Consistent secondary indexes Yes Yes
JSON/document support Yes Yes
Secondary Indexes Yes Yes
Foreign keys Yes No
JOINs Yes No
Automatic data expiry with TTL No Yes - table- and column-level TTL
Run Apache Spark for AI/ML No Yes

Linear scalability

To test the linear scalability of YugabyteDB, we ran some large cluster benchmarks (up to 50 nodes) and were able to scale YugabyteDB to millions of reads and writes per second while retaining low latencies. You can read more about our large cluster tests and how we scaled YugabyteDB to millions of IOPS.

Linear scalability at large cluster sizes

High performance

YugabyteDB was built to provide performance in a public cloud environment without sacrificing consistency. YugabyteDB is written in C++ for this very reason. The following chart shows how YugabyteDB compares with Apache Cassandra when running a YCSB benchmark. Read more about the YCSB benchmark results and what makes YugabyteDB performant.

The following chart shows the total ops/second when running YBSB benchmark:

YCSB Benchmark - ops/sec

The following chart shows the latency for the YCSB run:

YCSB Benchmark - latency


The following illustration shows a 5-node YugabyteDB universe created for a user identity use-case to power users logging in and changing passwords for a SaaS application. The replication factor of this universe is 5, and it is configured to keep 2 copies of data in us-west, 2 copies of the data in us-east, and 1 copy of the data in the Asia-Pacific region.


Because of this configuration, this universe can:

  • Allow low read latencies from any region (follower reads from a nearby data center)
  • Allow strongly consistent, global writes
  • Survive the outage of any region

Geo-distributed ops/sec Geo-distributed latency

The preceding graphs, also taken from YugabyteDB Anywhere, show that the average read latencies for apps running the various cloud regions are just 250 microseconds, while writes are strongly consistent, and incur 218 milliseconds.

Multi-cloud ready

You can configure YugabyteDB Anywhere to work with multiple public clouds as well as private data centers in just a few minutes.
