Create a database user and provide the user with READ access to all the resources which need to be migrated. Run the following commands in a psql session:

  1. Create a new user named ybvoyager.

    CREATE USER ybvoyager PASSWORD 'password';
  2. Grant permissions for migration. Use the yb-voyager-pg-grant-migration-permissions.sql script (in /opt/yb-voyager/guardrails-scripts/ or, for brew, check in $(brew --cellar)/yb-voyager@<voyagerversion>/<voyagerversion>) to grant the required permissions as follows:

    psql -h <host> \
         -d <database> \
         -U <username> \ # A superuser or a privileged user with enough permissions to grant privileges
         -v voyager_user='ybvoyager' \
         -v schema_list='<comma_separated_schema_list>' \
         -v is_live_migration=0 \
         -v is_live_migration_fall_back=0 \
         -f <path_to_the_script>

    The ybvoyager user can now be used for migration.

If you want yb-voyager to connect to the source database over SSL, refer to SSL Connectivity.