Build a Java application using Apache Spark and YugabyteDB

The following tutorial describes how to use Apache Spark in a Java program with YugabyteDB to read and write data using the YugabyteDB JDBC driver.


This tutorial assumes that you have:

Set up the database

Create the database and table you will read and write to as follows:

  1. From your YugabyteDB installation directory, use ysqlsh shell to read and write directly to the database as follows:

  2. Create a database ysql_spark and connect to it using the following:

    yugabyte=# CREATE DATABASE ysql_spark;
    yugabyte=# \c ysql_spark;
    You are now connected to database "ysql_spark" as user "yugabyte".
  3. Create a table in the ysql_spark database to read and write data through the JDBC connector as follows:

    ysql_spark=# CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT generate_series(1,100000) AS id, random(), ceil(random() * 20);

Create and configure the Java project

  1. Create a project using the following maven command:

    $ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.yugabyte -DartifactId=sparkSample -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
    $ cd sparkSample
  2. Open the pom.xml file in a text editor and add the following dependencies for Apache Spark and the YugabyteDB JDBC driver.

        <groupId> com.yugabyte</groupId>
  3. Install the added dependencies.

    $ mvn install
  4. Create a java file under src/main/java directory of your sparkSample project and add the following code to the file:

    import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class sparkSQLJavaExample {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
           //Create the spark session to work with spark
           SparkSession spark = SparkSession
                   .appName("Java Spark SQL basic example")
                   .config("spark.master", "local")
           //Connection URL
           String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:yugabytedb://localhost:5433/ysql_spark";
           Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();
           connectionProperties.put("user", "yugabyte");
           connectionProperties.put("password", "yugabyte");
           //Create the DataFrame to read the data from the database table test
           Dataset<Row> df_test =
                   .jdbc(jdbcUrl, "public.test", connectionProperties);
           //Print the schema of the DataFrame
           The output will be similar to the following:
            |-- id: integer (nullable = true)
            |-- random: double (nullable = true)
            |-- ceil: double (nullable = true)
           //Read some data through the DataFrame APIs
            The output will be similar to the following:
           |ceil|  sum(id)|
           | 8.0|249126014|
           | 7.0|252286019|
           | 1.0|249119602|
           | 4.0|247163696|
           Renaming the column of the table "test", from "ceil" to "round_off"
           in the dataframe and create a new table with the schema of the
           changed dataframe and insert all its data in the new table, name
           it as test_copy though the jdbc connector.
                   .withColumnRenamed("ceil", "round_off")
                   .jdbc(jdbcUrl, "test_copy", connectionProperties);
           //Create the DataFrame to read data from the database table test_copy
           Dataset<Row> df_test_copy =
                   .jdbc(jdbcUrl, "public.test_copy", connectionProperties);
           //Print the schema of the DataFrame
           The output will be similar to the following:
            |-- id: integer (nullable = true)
            |-- random: double (nullable = true)
            |-- round_off: double (nullable = true)
           The following code will create the DataFrame for the table "test" with some
           specific options for maintaining the parallelism while fetching the table content,
           1. numPartitions - divides the whole task into numPartitions parallel tasks.
           2. lowerBound - min value of the partitionColumn in table
           3. upperBound - max value of the partitionColumn in table
           4. partitionColumn - the column on the basis of which partition happen
           These options help in breaking down the whole task into `numPartitions` parallel
           tasks on the basis of the `partitionColumn`, with the help of minimum and maximum
           value of the column.
           5. pushDownPredicate - optimizes the query by pushing down the filters to
           YugabyteDB using the JDBC connector.
           6. pushDownAggregate - optimizes the query by pushing down the aggregated
           to YugabyteDB using the JDBC connector.
           These two options help in optimizing the SQL queries executing on this DataFrame
           if those SQL queries consist of some filters or aggregate functions by pushing
           down those filters and aggregates to the YugabyteDB using the JDBC connector.
           Dataset<Row> new_df_test =
                   .option("url", jdbcUrl)
                   .option("dbtable", "test")
                   .option("user", "yugabyte")
                   .option("password", "yugabyte")
                   .option("driver", "com.yugabyte.Driver")
                   .option("load-balance", "true")
                   .option("numPartitions", 5)
                   .option("partitionColumn", "ceil")
                   .option("lowerBound", 0)
                   .option("upperBound", 20)
                   .option("pushDownPredicate", true)
                   .option("pushDownAggregate", true)
           spark.sql("select sum(ceil) from test where id > 50000").show();
           The output will be similar to the following:
           | 525124.0|

Compile and run the application

  1. Compile the project:

    $ mvn compile
  2. Run the application using the following command and verify your output as mentioned in the comments of the sparkSQLJavaExample file:

    $  mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="sparkSQLJavaExample"