I'd like to watch a movie about a space adventure
The service turns your prompt into an embedding with OpenAI's model, then searches for similar movie descriptions. The results should look like this:
PostgreSQL can filter movies by rank and category before doing the vector search. For instance, set rank to 7, choose Science Fiction as the category, and repeat the search again:
(Hint: Pick a movie you like and add it to your library with the Add to Library button.)
Here's the SQL query that YugaPlus uses to find the movie recommendations:
SELECT id, title, overview, vote_average, release_date FROM movie
WHERE vote_average >= :rank
AND genres @> :category::jsonb
AND 1 - (overview_vector <=> :prompt_vector::vector) >= :similarity_threshold
ORDER BY overview_vector <=> :prompt_vector::vector
LIMIT :max_results