Build a Ruby application

Client driver: Ruby Pg

The following tutorial shows a small Ruby application that connects to a YugabyteDB cluster using the Ruby Pg driver and performs basic SQL operations. Use the application as a template to get started with YugabyteDB Aeon in Ruby.


  • Ruby 3.1 or later.

  • OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later (used by libpq and pg to establish secure SSL connections).

  • libpq. Homebrew users on macOS can install using brew install libpq. You can download the PostgreSQL binaries and source from PostgreSQL Downloads.

  • Ruby pg. To install Ruby pg, run the following command:

    gem install pg -- --with-pg-include=<path-to-libpq>/libpq/include --with-pg-lib=<path-to-libpq>/libpq/lib

    Replace <path-to-libpq> with the path to the libpq installation; for example, /usr/local/opt.

Clone the application from GitHub

Clone the sample application to your computer:

git clone && cd yugabyte-simple-ruby-app

Provide connection parameters

If your cluster is running on YugabyteDB Aeon, you need to modify the connection parameters so that the application can establish a connection to the YugabyteDB cluster. (You can skip this step if your cluster is running locally and listening on

To do this:

  1. Open the sample-app.rb file.

  2. Set the following configuration-related parameters:

    • host - the host name of your YugabyteDB cluster. For local clusters, use the default ( For YugabyteDB Aeon, select your cluster on the Clusters page, and click Settings. The host is displayed under Connection Parameters.
    • port - the port number for the driver to use (the default YugabyteDB YSQL port is 5433).
    • dbname - the name of the database you are connecting to (the default is yugabyte).
    • user and password - the username and password for the YugabyteDB database. For local clusters, use the defaults (yugabyte and yugabyte). For YugabyteDB Aeon, use the credentials in the credentials file you downloaded.
    • sslmode - the SSL mode to use. YugabyteDB Aeon requires SSL connections; use verify-full.
    • sslrootcert - the full path to the YugabyteDB Aeon cluster CA certificate.
  3. Save the file.

Build and run the application

Make the application file executable.

chmod +x sample-app.rb

Run the application.

$ ./sample-app.rb

You should see output similar to the following:

>>>> Successfully connected to YugabyteDB!
>>>> Successfully created table DemoAccount.
>>>> Selecting accounts:
name = Jessica, age = 28, country = USA, balance = 10000
name = John, age = 28, country = Canada, balance = 9000
>>>> Transferred 800 between accounts.
>>>> Selecting accounts:
name = Jessica, age = 28, country = USA, balance = 9200
name = John, age = 28, country = Canada, balance = 9800

You have successfully executed a basic Ruby application that works with YugabyteDB Aeon.

Explore the application logic

Open the sample-app.rb file in the yugabyte-simple-ruby-app folder to review the methods.


The connect method establishes a connection with your cluster via the libpqxx driver.

conn = PG.connect(
    host: '',
    port: '5433',
    dbname: 'yugabyte',
    user: '',
    password: '',
    sslmode: 'verify-full',
    sslrootcert: ''


The create_database method uses PostgreSQL-compliant DDL commands to create a sample database.

conn.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DemoAccount");

conn.exec("CREATE TABLE DemoAccount ( \
            id int PRIMARY KEY, \
            name varchar, \
            age int, \
            country varchar, \
            balance int)");

conn.exec("INSERT INTO DemoAccount VALUES \
            (1, 'Jessica', 28, 'USA', 10000), \
            (2, 'John', 28, 'Canada', 9000)");


The select_accounts method queries your distributed data using the SQL SELECT statement.

    puts ">>>> Selecting accounts:\n";

    rs = conn.exec("SELECT name, age, country, balance FROM DemoAccount");

    rs.each do |row|
        puts "name=%s, age=%s, country=%s, balance=%s\n" % [row['name'], row['age'], row['country'], row['balance']];

    rs.clear if rs


The transferMoneyBetweenAccounts method updates your data consistently with distributed transactions.

    conn.transaction do |txn|
        txn.exec_params("UPDATE DemoAccount SET balance = balance - $1 WHERE name = \'Jessica\'", [amount]);
        txn.exec_params("UPDATE DemoAccount SET balance = balance + $1 WHERE name = \'John\'", [amount]);

    puts ">>>> Transferred %s between accounts.\n" % [amount];

rescue PG::TRSerializationFailure => e
    puts "The operation is aborted due to a concurrent transaction that is modifying the same set of rows. \
            Consider adding retry logic for production-grade applications.";

Learn more

Ruby pg driver

libpq driver