Start a free trial

Explore all YugabyteDB Aeon features

To go beyond the capabilities of the Sandbox cluster, start a free trial to receive free credits towards creating Dedicated clusters and exploring other features in YugabyteDB Aeon.

To start a free trial:

  1. Sign up.

  2. Log in.

  3. Click Start Free Trial to display the Start Your Free Trial form.

    Enter your details

  4. If you have a promo code, enter it and click Start Free Trial to start your trial right away.

    Otherwise, enter your contact details and click Start Free Trial. A free trial link is sent to your email.

  5. Click the link in the email to get started.

After the free trial begins, you can use your credits to create dedicated clusters in a variety of topologies, including:

  • Single region multi zone
  • Replicated across regions
  • Partition by region
  • Read replicas

Choose a plan any time. You won't be charged until your credits are used.

  • Only one free trial can be applied to an account.
  • The free trial features the Professional plan. Enterprise plan features are not included.
  • Not all regions are available during free trials.
  • After your trial ends, depending on your plan, you may lose access to some features.