User-defined interval utility functions
The code presented on this page defines two user-defined types, interval_parameterization_t and interval_mm_dd_ss_t. They model, respectively, the conventional parameterization of an interval value as a [yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss] tuple and the internal representation of an interval value as a [mm, dd, ss] tuple. Together with the interval data type itself, this makes three types—and therefore three possible pairs and six mutual transformation functions. Here is the summary:
│ type interval_parameterization_t as( │ type interval_mm_dd_ss_t as( │
│ yy double precision, mm double precision, dd double precision, │ mm int, dd int, ss double precision(1000,6)) │
│ hh double precision, mi double precision, ss double precision) │ │
│ interval <-> interval_parameterization_t │ interval_mm_dd_ss_t <-> interval_parameterization_t │
│ function interval_value( │ function interval_mm_dd_ss( │
│ p in interval_parameterization_t │ p in interval_parameterization_t) │
│ returns interval │ returns interval_mm_dd_ss_t │
│ function parameterization( │ function parameterization( │
│ i in interval) │ i in interval_mm_dd_ss_t) │
│ returns interval_parameterization_t │ returns interval_parameterization_t │
│ interval <─> interval_mm_dd_ss_t │
│ function interval_value( │ function interval_mm_dd_ss( │
│ i in interval_mm_dd_ss_t) │ i in interval) │
│ returns interval │ returns interval_mm_dd_ss_t │
The code that the remainder of this section presents defines the interval_parameterization_t and interval_mm_dd_ss_t types, and all but one of the six mutual transformation functions. The design of the five functions that are shown here is straightforward—but it does depend on knowing that the internal representation of an interval value is a [mm, dd, ss] tuple that uses four-byte integers to record the months and days fields and an eight-byte integer to record the seconds field as a microseconds value.
The section Modeling the internal representation and comparing the model with the actual implementation defines and tests the function that the present page doesn't show: function interval_mm_dd_ss(interval_parameterization_t). It implements, using PL/pgSQL, the rather complex algorithm that PostgreSQL, and therefore YSQL, use in their C code to transform a value, presented as a text literal, to the internal interval representation.
Here's an example of such a text literal:
-9.123456 years,
18.123456 months,
-700.123456 days,
97.123456 hours,
-86.123456 minutes,
75.123456 seconds
Generic helper function to test for the equality of two double precision values
PostgreSQL defines two fundamentally different data type families for representing real numbers and for supporting arithmetic using their values. Of course, YSQL inherits this regime.
The PostgreSQL documentation uses the terms Arbitrary Precision Numbers and Floating-Point Numbers for these two kinds of data type. The first kind is exemplified by the data type numeric. And the second kind is exemplified by double precision. There are other variants in each class. But the entire date_time section uses only these two (and uses only the unconstraint numeric variant). Moreover, it uses numeric only under duress. For example, you can easily round a numeric value to some desired number of decimal places like this:
select round(12.3456789::numeric, 3::int);
It produces the result 12.346. Try the corresponding operation on a double precision value:
with c as(
select 12.3456789::double precision as v)
select round(v, 3::int) from c;
It causes the 42883 error:
function round(double precision, integer) does not exist
And the hint tells you that you might need to do some typecasting, like this:
with c as(
select 12.3456789::double precision as v)
select round(v::numeric, 3::int)::double precision from c;
You'll see some examples of typecasting like this throughout the overall date-time major section.
Here, briefly, is how the two kinds of real number representation differ:
- The numeric data type supports values that have a vast number of significant digits and very high accuracy. This is achieved by using an explicit software representation that differs from anything that underlying hardware might use. As a consequence, arithmetic that uses this representation has to be done using algorithms implemented ordinarily in software—in the C code of the PostgreSQL implementation that YSQL inherits "as is".
- The double precision data type is essentially a direct exposure of the hardware representation and the corresponding hardware implementation of arithmetic that is specified by IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic for double precision values. (The native scheme is augmented in software to handle nulls.)
You can guess that, in general, the representation of a double precision value uses less space than that of a numeric value and that double precision arithmetic is faster than numeric arithmetic. This is probably why many SQL built-in functions, and certainly those that are relevant for the date-time data types, use double precision to deal with real number values. Here are four examples:
- The secs input formal parameter for make_interval() is double precision.
- The sec input formal parameter for make_timestamp() and make_timestamptz() is double precision.
- The anonymous input formal parameter for the single-parameter overload of to_timestamp() is double precision.
- All of the functions in the extract() family return a double precision value.
For this reason, the user-defined interval utility functions that this page presents use double precision, and never numeric, for real number values.
Notice that equality comparison, using the native =
operator, between real number values does bring a risk of evaluating to false when you expect it to be true because, of course, of the effect of rounding errors.
- You can often use a simple equality test to confirm that two numeric values that you reason ought to be the same are indeed this. This is due to the data type's capacity for enormous precision and accuracy.
- The corresponding test that uses the double precision overload for
for a pair of putatively identical values will fail more often because the data type has a smaller capacity for precision and a corresponding intrinsic inaccuracy.
However, you must accept that the native equality test, for values of both the numeric and the double precision data types, is unreliable. There's no native solution for this dilemma. But it's easy to implement your own operator. This is what function approx_equals(double precision, double precision) does. You can easily use it as a model for a (numeric, numeric) overload should you need this.
function approx_equals (double precision, double precision) returns boolean
In the context of the date-time data types, double precision values always represent seconds. And the internal representations record these only with microsecond precision. It's therefore good enough to test for equality using a 0.1 microsecond tolerance. Create the function thus:
drop function if exists approx_equals(double precision, double precision) cascade;
create function approx_equals(v1 in double precision, v2 in double precision)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $body$
microseconds_diff constant double precision not null := abs(v1 - v2);
point_one_microseconds constant double precision not null := 0.0000001;
eq constant boolean not null := microseconds_diff < point_one_microseconds;
return eq;
And map it to the ~=
operator thus:
drop operator if exists ~= (double precision, double precision) cascade;
create operator ~= (
leftarg = double precision,
rightarg = double precision,
procedure = approx_equals);
Here's a simple test:
c1 as(
select 10::double precision as base, 234.567::double precision as v),
c2 as(
select base, v, log(v) as log_v from c1),
c3 as(
select v as orig, base^log_v as recovered from c2)
to_char(orig, '9999.999999999999999') as orig,
to_char(recovered, '9999.999999999999999') as recovered,
(recovered = orig)::text as native_equals,
(recovered ~= orig)::text as approx_equals
from c3;
This is the result:
orig | recovered | native_equals | approx_equals
234.567000000000 | 234.567000000000 | false | true
It's rather strange that the to_char() renditions of the internally represented double precision values that the native =
operator shows to be different are indistinguishable. Notice that the to_char() format mask asks for fifteen decimal digits but only twelve are rendered. This is a feature of to_char(): if you ask to see more decimal digits than are supported, then you silently see the maximum supported number. The outcome of this test only serves to emphasize the importance of creating your own user-defined equality operator for the comparison of real number values.
The interval utility functions
type interval_parameterization_t as (yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss)
When you define an interval value using either the ::interval typecast of a text literal or the make_interval() built-in function, you specify values for some or all of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Try this, using the ::interval typecast approach:
'5 years 4 months' ::interval as i1,
'40 days' ::interval as i2,
'9 hours 30 minutes 45 seconds' ::interval as i3;
This is the result:
i1 | i2 | i3
5 years 4 mons | 40 days | 09:30:45
And try this, using the make_interval() approach:
make_interval(years=>5, months=>4) as i1,
make_interval(days=>40) as i2,
make_interval(hours=>9, mins=>30, secs=>45) as i3;
It produces the same result as using the ::interval typecast approach. Notice that the ::interval typecast approach allows real number values for each of the six parameters. In contrast, the make_interval() function defines all of its formal parameters except for secs with the data type integer, and It defines secs with the data type double precision.
Each approach allows other parameters to specify, for example, centuries, weeks, or microseconds. But the six parameters shown above are the most-commonly used. They are jointly more than sufficient to define non-zero values for each of the three fields of the internal representation. The bare minimum that gets an obviously predictable result is just months, days, and seconds. (See the section How does YSQL represent an interval value?.)
Omitting one of the parameters has the same effect as specifying zero for it. Create the type interval_parameterization_t to represent this six-field tuple.
drop type if exists interval_parameterization_t cascade;
create type interval_parameterization_t as(
yy double precision,
mm double precision,
dd double precision,
hh double precision,
mi double precision,
ss double precision);
Other functions, below, have a single formal parameter with data type interval_parameterization_t or are defined to return an instance of that type.
function interval_parameterization (yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss) returns interval_parameterization_t
You can't define default values for the fields of a user-defined type. To avoid verbose code when you want to specify non-zero values for only some, or especially just one, of the six fields, the helper function interval_parameterization() is defined with default values for its corresponding six formal parameters.
drop function if exists interval_parameterization(
double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision);
create function interval_parameterization(
yy in double precision default 0,
mm in double precision default 0,
dd in double precision default 0,
hh in double precision default 0,
mi in double precision default 0,
ss in double precision default 0)
returns interval_parameterization_t
language plpgsql
as $body$
ok constant boolean :=
(yy is not null) and
(mm is not null) and
(dd is not null) and
(hh is not null) and
(mi is not null) and
(ss is not null);
p interval_parameterization_t not null :=
(yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss)::interval_parameterization_t;
assert ok, 'No argument, when provided, may be null';
return p;
Test it like this:
select interval_parameterization(yy=>5, mm=>6)::text;
This is the result:
function interval_value (interval_parameterization_t) returns interval
This function constructs an interval value from an interval_parameterization_t instance. Create it thus:
drop function if exists interval_value(interval_parameterization_t) cascade;
create function interval_value(p in interval_parameterization_t)
returns interval
language plpgsql
as $body$
yy constant interval not null := p.yy::text ||' years';
mm constant interval not null := ||' months';
dd constant interval not null := p.dd::text ||' days';
hh constant interval not null := p.hh::text ||' hours';
mi constant interval not null := p.mi::text ||' minutes';
ss constant interval not null := ||' seconds';
return yy + mm + dd + hh + mi + ss;
It uses the ::interval typecast approach rather than the make_interval() approach because the pedagogy of the section How does YSQL represent an interval value? depends on being able to specify real number values for each of the six parameters.
Test it like this:
select interval_value(interval_parameterization(mm=>2.345, dd=>3.456))::text;
This is the result:
2 mons 13 days 19:20:38.4
function parameterization (interval) returns interval_parameterization_t
Create the function thus:
drop function if exists parameterization(interval) cascade;
create function parameterization(i in interval)
returns interval_parameterization_t
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- All but the seconds value are always integral.
yy double precision not null := round(extract(years from i));
mm double precision not null := round(extract(months from i));
dd double precision not null := round(extract(days from i));
hh double precision not null := round(extract(hours from i));
mi double precision not null := round(extract(minutes from i));
ss double precision not null := extract(seconds from i);
return (yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss)::interval_parameterization_t;
Test it like this:
select parameterization('2 months 13 days 19:20:38.4'::interval)::text;
This is the result:
function approx_equals (p1_in in interval_parameterization_t, p2_in in interval_parameterization_t) returns boolean
Create a function to test a pair of "interval_parameterization_t values" for equality. The function parameterization(i in interval) uses extract() and this accesses the internal [mm, dd, ss] representation. There's a risk of rounding errors here. For example, when the ss field corresponds 04:48:00, this might be extracted as 04:47,59.99999999.... The approx_equals() implementation needs to accommodate this.
drop function if exists approx_equals(interval_parameterization_t, interval_parameterization_t) cascade;
create function approx_equals(p1_in in interval_parameterization_t, p2_in in interval_parameterization_t)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- There's no need (for the present pedagogical purpose) to extend this to
-- handle NULL inputs. It would be simple to do this.
p1 constant interval_parameterization_t not null := p1_in;
p2 constant interval_parameterization_t not null := p2_in;
mons1 constant double precision not null := p1.yy*12.0 +;
mons2 constant double precision not null := p2.yy*12.0 +;
secs1 constant double precision not null := p1.hh*60.0*60.0 + p1.mi*60.0 +;
secs2 constant double precision not null := p2.hh*60.0*60.0 + p2.mi*60.0 +;
eq constant boolean not null := (mons1 ~= mons2) and
(p1.dd ~= p2.dd) and
(secs1 ~= secs2);
return eq;
And map it to the ~=
operator thus:
drop operator if exists ~= (interval_parameterization_t, interval_parameterization_t) cascade;
create operator ~= (
leftarg = interval_parameterization_t,
rightarg = interval_parameterization_t,
procedure = approx_equals);
type interval_mm_dd_ss_t as (mm, dd, ss)
The type interval_mm_dd_ss_t models the internal representation of an interval value. It's central to the pedagogy of the sections How does YSQL represent an interval value? and Interval arithmetic. It is also used to implement the user-defined domains described in the section Custom domain types for specializing the native interval functionality.
drop type if exists interval_mm_dd_ss_t cascade;
create type interval_mm_dd_ss_t as(
mm int, dd int, ss double precision);
function interval_mm_dd_ss (interval) returns interval_mm_dd_ss_t
Create a function to create an interval_mm_dd_ss_t value from an interval value:
drop function if exists interval_mm_dd_ss(interval) cascade;
create function interval_mm_dd_ss(i in interval)
returns interval_mm_dd_ss_t
language plpgsql
as $body$
if i is null then
return null;
mm constant int not null := (extract(years from i))*12 +
extract(months from i);
dd constant int not null := extract(days from i);
ss constant double precision not null := (extract(hours from i))*60*60 +
extract(minutes from i)*60 +
extract(seconds from i);
return (mm, dd, ss);
end if;
Test it like this:
select interval_mm_dd_ss('2.345 months 3.456 days 19:20:38.423456'::interval)::text;
This is the result:
function approx_equals (interval_mm_dd_ss_t, interval_mm_dd_ss_t) returns boolean
The seconds field of the [mm, dd, ss] tuple that defines type interval_mm_dd_ss_t is declared as double precision. This means that the native =
test on a pair of values of this type (it uses a naïve field-by-field equality comparison) will be subject to the underlying challenge of testing for the equality of two double precision values. This implies the need for a user-defined approximate comparison operator for interval_mm_dd_ss_t values.
Create the function thus using the user-defined ~= operator for double precision values:
drop function if exists approx_equals(interval_mm_dd_ss_t, interval_mm_dd_ss_t) cascade;
create function approx_equals(i1_in in interval_mm_dd_ss_t, i2_in in interval_mm_dd_ss_t)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- There's no need (for the present pedagogical purpose) to extend this to
-- handle NULL inputs. It would be simple to do this.
i1 constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := i1_in;
i2 constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := i2_in;
eq constant boolean not null := ( = and
(i1.dd = i2.dd) and
( ~=;
return eq;
And map it to the ~=
operator thus:
drop operator if exists ~= (interval_mm_dd_ss_t, interval_mm_dd_ss_t) cascade;
create operator ~= (
leftarg = interval_mm_dd_ss_t,
rightarg = interval_mm_dd_ss_t,
procedure = approx_equals);
function interval_value (interval_mm_dd_ss_t) returns interval
Create a function to create an interval value from an interval_mm_dd_ss_t instance:
drop function if exists interval_value(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) cascade;
create function interval_value(i in interval_mm_dd_ss_t)
returns interval
language plpgsql
as $body$
return make_interval(months=>, days=>i.dd, secs=>;
Test it like this:
select interval_value((2,13,139276.823456)::interval_mm_dd_ss_t)::text;
This is the result:
2 mons 13 days 38:41:16.823456
function parameterization (interval_mm_dd_ss_t) returns interval_parameterization_t
Note: The implementation of the function parameterization(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) documents the algorithm for calculating the text typecast of an interval value (or equivalently the result of using the extract functions ).
Here is an example of using extract:
select extract(hours from '123 months 234 days 34567.123456 seconds'::interval) as "extracted hours";
This is the result:
extracted hours
The extract functions are used to implement the function parameterization() shown above.
Create the function parameterization(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) thus:
drop function if exists parameterization(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) cascade;
create function parameterization(i in interval_mm_dd_ss_t)
returns interval_parameterization_t
language plpgsql
as $body$
yy constant int := trunc(;
mm constant int := - yy*12;
dd constant int := i.dd;
hh constant int := trunc(*60.0));
mi constant int := trunc(( - hh*60.0*60)/60.0);
ss constant double precision := - (hh*60.0*60.0 + mi*60.0);
return (yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss)::interval_parameterization_t;
Test it like this:
select parameterization((123, 234, 34567.123456)::interval_mm_dd_ss_t)::text;
This is the result:
Notice the apparent inaccuracy brought by the use of double precision. This is inevitable. Compare the result with that from using parameterization(interval) on an actual interval value:
select parameterization('123 months 234 days 34567.123456 seconds'::interval)::text;
This is the result:
This emphasizes the need for the user-defined ~=
operator for interval_parameterization_t values. Do this:
select (
parameterization((123, 234, 34567.123456)::interval_mm_dd_ss_t) ~=
parameterization('123 months 234 days 34567.123456 seconds'::interval)
The result is true.
function justified_seconds (interval) returns double precision
This function is discussed in the section The justify() and extract(epoch ...) functions for interval values. And the section Comparing two interval values relies on this function to model the implementation of the comparison algorithm.
The semantics of the justify_interval() built-in function (explained here in the section The justify() and extract(epoch ...) functions for interval values suggests a scheme to map an interval value (a vector with three components) to a real number. The same rule of thumb that justify_interval() uses to normalize the ss and the dd fields of the internal representation (24 hours is deemed to be the same as 1 day and 30 days is deemed to be the same as 1 month) can be used to compute a number of seconds from an interval value.
You probably won't use this function in application code. But it's used in the section Comparing two interval values to model the implementation of the comparison algorithm. It also allows you to understand how it's possible to use an order by predicate with an interval table column (like, for example, pg_timezone_names.utc_offset) and to create an index on such a column.
Create the justified_seconds() thus:
drop function if exists justified_seconds(interval) cascade;
create function justified_seconds(i in interval)
returns double precision
language plpgsql
as $body$
if i is null then
return null;
secs_pr_day constant double precision not null := 24*60*60;
secs_pr_month constant double precision not null := secs_pr_day*30;
r constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := interval_mm_dd_ss(i);
ss constant double precision not null := + r.dd*secs_pr_day +*secs_pr_month;
rj constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := interval_mm_dd_ss(justify_interval(i));
ssj constant double precision not null := + rj.dd*secs_pr_day +*secs_pr_month;
assert ss = ssj, 'justified_seconds(): assert failed';
return ss;
end if;
Notice the assert statement that tests that the computed number of seconds from an "as is" interval value is identical to the computed number of seconds from an interval value that's normalized using justify_interval(). You might argue, correctly, that what the assert statement tests can be proved algebraically. The assert is used, here, just as a documentation device.
The subsection that describes this function in the section The justify() and extract(epoch ...) functions for interval values demonstrates its result for a selection of input values.
The user-defined "strict equals" interval-interval "==" operator
Yugabyte staff members have carefully considered the practical value of the native interval-interval overload of the =
operator that YSQL inherits from PostgreSQL.
They believe that the use-cases where the functionality will be useful are rare—and that, rather, a "strict equals" notion, that requires pairwise equality of the individual fields of the [mm, dd, ss] internal representations of the interval values that are compared, will generally be more valuable.
See the section Comparing two interval values for the larger discussion on this topic.
Create the strict_equals() function thus:
drop function if exists strict_equals(interval, interval) cascade;
create function strict_equals(i1 in interval, i2 in interval)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $body$
if i1 is null or i2 is null then
return null;
mm_dd_ss_1 constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := interval_mm_dd_ss(i1);
mm_dd_ss_2 constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := interval_mm_dd_ss(i2);
return mm_dd_ss_1 ~= mm_dd_ss_2;
end if;
And map it to the ==
operator thus:
drop operator if exists == (interval, interval) cascade;
create operator == (
leftarg = interval,
rightarg = interval,
procedure = strict_equals);
function to_timestamp_without_tz (double precision) returns timestamp
Strangely, there is no native plain timestamp equivalent of the to_timestamp() function. But it's easy to write your own. Notice that a pair of functions cannot be overload-distinguished when they differ only in the return type. So your implementation of the missing functionality must have a new unique name.
drop function if exists to_timestamp_without_tz(double precision);
create function to_timestamp_without_tz(ss_from_epoch in double precision)
returns /* plain */ timestamp
language plpgsql
as $body$
current_tz text not null := current_setting('TimeZone');
assert length(current_tz) > 0, 'undefined time zone';
set timezone = 'UTC';
t_tz constant timestamptz := to_timestamp(ss_from_epoch);
t constant timestamp := t_tz at time zone 'UTC';
-- Restore the saved time zone setting.
execute 'set timezone = '''||current_tz||'''';
return t;
Test it like this:
select to_timestamp_without_tz(42123.456789);
This is the result:
1970-01-01 11:42:03.456789
function to_time (double precision) returns time
Strangely, there is no native to_time() function to transform some number of seconds from midnight to a time value. But it's easy to write your own.
drop function if exists to_time(double precision) cascade;
-- mod() doesn't have an overload for "double precision" arguments.
create function to_time(ss in double precision)
returns time
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- Notice the ss value can be bigger than ss_per_day.
ss_per_day constant numeric not null := 24.0*60.0*60.0;
ss_from_midnight constant double precision not null := mod(ss::numeric, ss_per_day);
t constant time not null :=
return t;
Test it like this:
select to_time((29*60*60 + 17*60)::double precision + 42.123456::double precision);
This is the result:
Bonus functions
The three functions shown below aren't used anywhere else in the documentation of the interval data type. But they were used extensively for ad hoc experiments and as a tracing tool while the code examples that this overall interval section uses were being developed. You might find them useful for the same reason.
The function interval_mm_dd_ss_as_text(interval) returns the same information that the function interval_mm_dd_ss(interval) returns, but as a text literal for the interval value so that it can be used directly in any context that needs this. Create it thus:
drop function if exists interval_mm_dd_ss_as_text(interval) cascade;
create function interval_mm_dd_ss_as_text(i in interval)
returns text
language plpgsql
as $body$
mm_dd_ss constant interval_mm_dd_ss_t not null := interval_mm_dd_ss(i);
ss_text constant text not null := ltrim(to_char(, '9999999999990.999999'));
return||' months ' ||
mm_dd_ss.dd::text||' days ' ||
ss_text ||' seconds' ;
Test it like this:
select interval_mm_dd_ss_as_text('2 years 3 months 999 days 77 hours 53 min 17.123456 secs'::interval);
This is the result:
27 months 999 days 280397.123456 seconds
The function parameterization_as_text(interval) returns the same information that the function parameterization(interval) returns, but as a text literal for the interval value so that it can be used directly in any context that needs this. Create it thus:
drop function if exists parameterization_as_text(interval) cascade;
create function parameterization_as_text(i in interval)
returns text
language plpgsql
as $body$
p constant interval_parameterization_t not null := parameterization(i);
ss_text constant text not null := ltrim(to_char(, '9999999999990.999999'));
p.yy::text||' years ' ||||' months ' ||
p.dd::text||' days ' ||
p.hh::text||' hours ' ||
p.mi::text||' minutes ' ||
ss_text ||' seconds';
Test it like this:
select parameterization_as_text('42 months 999 days 77.12345 hours'::interval);
This is the result:
3 years 6 months 999 days 77 hours 7 minutes 24.420000 seconds
Just as the function parameterization_as_text(interval) does for an interval value, it can be useful, too, to present the same information that the function parameterization(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) returns, again as a text literal for the interval value. The function parameterization_as_text(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) does this. Create it thus:
drop function if exists parameterization_as_text(interval_mm_dd_ss_t) cascade;
create function parameterization_as_text(i in interval_mm_dd_ss_t)
returns text
language plpgsql
as $body$
p constant interval_parameterization_t not null := parameterization(i);
ss_text constant text not null := ltrim(to_char(, '9999999999990.999999'));
p.yy::text||' years ' ||||' months ' ||
p.dd::text||' days ' ||
p.hh::text||' hours ' ||
p.mi::text||' minutes ' ||
ss_text ||' seconds';
Test it like this:
select parameterization_as_text((77,13,139276.800000)::interval_mm_dd_ss_t)::text;
This is the result:
6 years 5 months 13 days 38 hours 41 minutes 16.800000 seconds
Compare this with the output of function parameterization_as_text(interval) for the same input:
select parameterization_as_text('77 months, 13 days, 139276.800000 secs'::interval )::text;
The result is identical.
All this vividly makes the point that a particular actual interval value can be created using many different variants of the corresponding text literal. Try this:
'2.345 months 3.456 days 19:20:38.4'::interval == '2 mons 13 days 38:41:16.8'::interval
'2.345 months 3.456 days 19:20:38.4'::interval == '2 months 13 days 139276.800000 seconds'::interval
::text as "all the same";
This is the result:
all the same