

Each of the ANY and ALL operators has the same signature, thus:

input value:       anyelement, anyarray
return value:      boolean

SOME is a synonym for ANY. Therefore this section will make no further mention of SOME.

Note: The term of art element is used in this section for what the pseudo-type name anyelement represents. Each of these operators requires that the data type of the element value to which the LHS expression evaluates corresponds to the data type of the array value to which the RHS expression evaluates. For example, when the data type of the LHS element is, say "t", then the RHS array's data type must be "t[]". The RHS array can have any dimensionality. The operators are sensitive only to the actual elements in the array.

The abbreviations LHS and RHS have their usual meanings.

Purpose: Return TRUE, FALSE, or NULL according to the outcome of the specified set of comparisons. This is the general form of the invocation:

any_all_boolean_expression ::=
  lhs_element { = | <> | < | <= | >= | > } { ANY | ALL} rhs_array

Notice that != was omitted from the list of equality and inequality operators because it's just an alternative spelling of the <> inequality operator.

Because "any_all_boolean_expression" is just that, a boolean expression, it can optionally be preceded with the NOT unary operator and it can be conjoined with other boolean expressions using AND, and OR in the normal way.

The evaluation of "any_all_boolean_expression" visits each of the array's elements in turn (as mentioned, the array's dimensionality doesn't matter) and it performs the specified equality or inequality comparison between the LHS element and the current array element.


The accounts of ANY and ALL are symmetrical and complementary. It's therefore most effective to describe the semantics jointly in a single account.

Notice that the use of element and array (in this overall section on ANY and AND) acknowledges the fact that the LHS and the RHS are each, in general, expressions. So element acts as shorthand for the value to which the LHS expression evaluates. and array acts as shorthand for the value to which the RHS evaluates.

Simple scenario

The simple scenario is restricted to the case that the LHS element IS NOT NULL, the RHS array IS NOT NULL, and the RHS array's cardinality is at least one.

When the LHS element is compared with each of the RHS array's elements, the comparisons use the appropriate data type overload of the particular equality or inequality operator that is used in the "any_all_boolean_expression".

  • If ANY is used, then the result is TRUE only if at least one of the successive comparisons evaluates to TRUE. (It doesn't matter if zero or more of the other comparisons evaluates to NULL.) If every one of the comparisons evaluates to FALSE, then the result is FALSE. If every one of the comparisons evaluates to NULL is the result NULL.

  • If ALL is used, then the result is TRUE only if every one of the successive comparisons evaluates to TRUE. If at least one of the comparisons evaluates to FALSE and not one evaluates to NULL, then the result is FALSE. If at least one of the comparisons evaluates to NULL then the result is NULL.

Notice that ANY is comparable to OR and that ALL is comparable to AND in this way:

  • If ANY is used, then the result is the OR combination of the successive individual comparisons.

  • If ALL is used, then the result is the AND combination of the successive individual comparisons.

This DO block demonstrates the semantics of OR and AND:

do $body$
  -- OR
  assert     (true  or  false or  null),           'assert failed';
  assert not (false or  false or  false),          'assert failed';
  assert     (false or  false or  null)   is null, 'assert failed';

  -- AND
  assert     (true  and true  and true),           'assert failed';
  assert not (true  and true  and false),          'assert failed';
  assert     (true  and true  and null)   is null, 'assert failed';

The next DO block is a mechanical (manual) re-write of the block that demonstrates the semantics of OR and AND. It correspondingly demonstrates the semantics of ANY and ALL.

do $body$
  -- ANY
  assert     (true = any (array[true,  false, null ]::boolean[])),         'assert failed';
  assert not (true = any (array[false, false, false]::boolean[])),         'assert failed';
  assert     (true = any (array[false, false, null ]::boolean[])) is null, 'assert failed';

  -- ALL
  assert     (true = all (array[true,  true,  true ]::boolean[])),         'assert failed';
  assert not (true = all (array[true,  true,  false]::boolean[])),         'assert failed';
  assert     (true = all (array[true,  true,  null ]::boolean[])) is null, 'assert failed';

The combination = ANY is functionally equivalent to IN (but IN is illegal syntax when the RHS is an array).

The combination = ALL has no functional equivalent in the way that = ANY is functionally equivalent to IN.

The following small test emphasizes the symmetry between ANY and IN.

select (
    42 = any (array[17, 42, 53])
    42 in (17, 42, 53)
  )::text as b;

See The array[] value constructor. This is the result:


Notice that here, "(17, 42, 53)" is not a constructed record value because of the semantic effect of preceding it by IN. In contrast, in the following example, "(17, 42, 53)" is a constructed record:

with v as (select (17, 42, 53) as r)
select pg_typeof(r)::text from v;

This is the result:


This outcome is due to the semantic effect of using "(17, 42, 53)" directly as a SELECT list item. This, therefore, causes a syntax error:

with v as (select (1, 2, 3, 4) as r)
select 1 in r from v;

Exotic scenario

This section explains the semantics: when one, or both, of the LHS element and the RHS array IS NULL; and when neither the LHS or the RHS IS NULL and the RHS array's cardinality is zero.

  • If either the LHS element or the RHS array IS NULL, then both the ANY result IS NULL and the ALL result IS NULL.

  • If both the LHS element IS NOT NULLand the RHS array IS NOT NULL and the RHS array has zero elements, then the ANY result is FALSE.

  • If both the LHS element IS NOT NULLand the RHS array IS NOT NULL and the RHS array has zero elements, then the ALL result is TRUE. You might think that this is a counter-intuitive rule definition. But the PostgreSQL documentation for Version 11.2 states this clearly. And the first example in Semantics demonstration is consistent with this definition. Moreover, and as is required to be the case, the behavior of the example is identical using YugabyteDB and PostgreSQL Version 11.2.

Semantics demonstration

The following semantics demonstrations show the use of an array of atomic elements, an array of composite elements, and an array of elements that are values of a DOMAIN.

Using an array of atomic elements

do $body$
  v1 constant int := 1;
  v2 constant int := 2;
  v3 constant int := 3;
  v4 constant int := 4;
  v5 constant int := 5;
  v6 constant int := null;

  arr1 constant int[] := array[v1, v1, v1, v1];
  arr2 constant int[] := array[v1, v1, v1, v2];
  arr3 constant int[] := array[v1, v2, v3, v4];
  arr4 constant int[] := array[v1, v1, v1, null];
  arr5 constant int[] := null;

  -- Notice that an array with zero elements is nevertheless NOT NULL.
  arr6 constant int[] not null := '{}';

  b01 constant boolean not null :=      v1 = all (arr1);
  b02 constant boolean not null := not  v1 = all (arr3);
  b03 constant boolean not null := not  v1 = all (arr2);
  b04 constant boolean not null :=      v1 = any (arr3);
  b05 constant boolean not null := not  v5 = any (arr3);

  b06 constant boolean not null :=      v1 = any (arr4);
  b07 constant boolean not null :=     (v5 = any (arr4)) is null;
  b08 constant boolean not null :=     (v1 = all (arr4)) is null;

  b09 constant boolean not null :=     (v1 = any (arr5)) is null;
  b10 constant boolean not null :=     (v6 = any (arr1)) is null;
  b11 constant boolean not null :=     (v1 = all (arr5)) is null;
  b12 constant boolean not null :=     (v6 = all (arr1)) is null;

  b13 constant boolean not null := not (v1 = any (arr6));
  b14 constant boolean not null :=     (v1 = all (arr6));
    (b01 and b02 and b03 and b04 and b05 and b06 and b07 and b08
         and b09 and b10 and b11 and b12 and b13 and b14),
  'assert failed';

Here is a mechanically derived example from the code above that uses two-dimensional arrays in place of one-dimensional arrays. But some of the tests were removed to help readability. The outcomes of the remaining tests are unchanged because these depend only upon the array's actual elements and not upon its geometry.

do $body$
  v1 constant int := 1;
  v2 constant int := 2;
  v3 constant int := 3;
  v4 constant int := 4;
  v5 constant int := 5;

  arr1 constant int[] := array[array[v1, v1], array[v1, v1]];
  arr2 constant int[] := array[array[v1, v2], array[v3, v4]];
  arr3 constant int[] := array[array[v1, v1], array[v1, null]];

  b1 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = all (arr1);
  b2 constant boolean not null := not v1 = all (arr2);
  b3 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr2);
  b4 constant boolean not null := not v5 = any (arr2);

  b5 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr3);
  b6 constant boolean not null :=    (v5 = any (arr3)) is null;
  b7 constant boolean not null :=    (v1 = all (arr3)) is null;
    (b1 and b2 and b3 and b4 and b5 and b6 and b7),
  'assert failed';

Using an array of composite "row" type value elements

This code was produced by mechanically replacing int with "rt" and by changing the spelling of the values that are assigned to "v1" through "v5" accordingly. But, again, some of the tests were removed to help readability. The rest of the remaining code is identical to its counterpart in the first example.

drop type if exists rt;
create type rt as (a int, b text);

do $body$
  v1 constant rt := (0, 1);
  v2 constant rt := (2, 3);
  v3 constant rt := (4, 5);
  v4 constant rt := (6, 7);
  v5 constant rt := (8, 9);

  arr1 constant rt[] := array[v1, v1, v1, v1];
  arr2 constant rt[] := array[v1, v2, v3, v4];
  arr3 constant rt[] := array[v1, v1, v1, null::rt];

  b1 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = all (arr1);
  b2 constant boolean not null := not v1 = all (arr2);
  b3 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr2);
  b4 constant boolean not null := not v5 = any (arr2);

  b5 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr3);
  b6 constant boolean not null :=    (v5 = any (arr3)) is null;
  b7 constant boolean not null :=    (v1 = all (arr3)) is null;
    (b1 and b2 and b3 and b4 and b5 and b6 and b7),
  'assert failed';

Using an array of elements that are values of a DOMAIN

First, consider these two examples:

drop domain if exists d1_t;
create domain d1_t as int
default 42 constraint d1_t_chk check(value >= 17);

drop domain if exists d2_t;
create domain d2_t as int[];

It's clear that the values of "d1_t", as a specialized kind of int, are elements. But what about the values of "d2_t" which is a specialized kind of array? Critically, but somewhat counter-intuitively, "d2_t" does not qualify as anyarray. Rather, it qualifies as anyelement. This code example underlines the point:

create or replace procedure p(i in anyelement)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  raise info '%', pg_typeof(i);

call p(53::d1_t);

call p('{1, 2}'::d2_t);

The first CALL produces this result:

INFO:  d1_t

and the second CALL produces this result:

INFO:  d2_t

Once again, the following code was produced by mechanically replacing int — this time with "int_arr_t" and by changing the spelling of the values that are assigned to "v1" through "v5" accordingly. But, again, some of the tests were removed to help readability. The rest of the remaining code is identical to its counterpart in the first example.

drop domain if exists int_arr_t;
create domain int_arr_t as int[];

do $body$
  v1 constant int_arr_t := array[1, 1];
  v2 constant int_arr_t := array[2, 3];
  v3 constant int_arr_t := array[4, 5];
  v4 constant int_arr_t := array[5, 7];
  v5 constant int_arr_t := array[8, 9];

  arr1 constant int_arr_t[] := array[v1, v1, v1, v1];
  arr2 constant int_arr_t[] := array[v1, v2, v3, v4];
  arr3 constant int_arr_t[] := array[v1, v1, v1, null::int_arr_t];

  b1 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = all (arr1);
  b2 constant boolean not null := not v1 = all (arr2);
  b3 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr2);
  b4 constant boolean not null := not v5 = any (arr2);

  b5 constant boolean not null :=     v1 = any (arr3);
  b6 constant boolean not null :=    (v5 = any (arr3)) is null;
  b7 constant boolean not null :=    (v1 = all (arr3)) is null;
    (b1 and b2 and b3 and b4 and b5 and b6 and b7),
  'assert failed';

Test to show that an array's elements are all the same as each other

This demonstration shows you that you can test whether an array's elements are all the same as each other without needing to know their common value or anything about the array's dimensionality.

do $body$
  arr constant int[] not null := '

   val constant int not null := (
    select unnest(arr) limit 1);

  b99 boolean not null := val = all (arr);
  assert b99, 'assert failed';

The general syntax for the literal for a multidimensional array that specifies the lower and upper index bounds along each dimension is described in Multidimensional array of int values.

For the specification of the behavior unnest() when its actual argument is a multidimensional array see Multidimensional array_agg() and unnest() — first overloads.

Using inequality comparisons

do $body$
  v1 constant int := 1;
  v2 constant int := 2;
  v3 constant int := 3;
  v4 constant int := 4;
  v5 constant int := 5;

  arr1 constant int[] := array[v1, v2, v3, v4];

  b01 constant boolean not null := not(v5  = any (arr1));
  b02 constant boolean not null :=     v5 <> all (arr1);
  b03 constant boolean not null :=     v2  > any (arr1);
  b04 constant boolean not null := not(v2  > all (arr1));
  b05 constant boolean not null := not(v4  < any (arr1));
  b06 constant boolean not null :=     v2  < any (arr1);
  b07 constant boolean not null := not(v5 <= any (arr1));
  b08 constant boolean not null :=     v4 >= all (arr1);
  b09 constant boolean not null :=     v5  > all (arr1);

    (b01 and b02 and b03 and b04 and b05 and b06 and b07 and b08 and b09),
  'assert failed';