Purpose: Convert a homogeneous JSON array of JSON objects into the equivalent set of SQL records.

Signature For the jsonb variant:

input value:       anyelement, jsonb
return value:      SETOF anyelement

Notes: The functions in this pair and are a natural extension of the functionality of jsonb_populate_record().

Each requires that the supplied JSON value is an array, each of whose values is an object which is compatible with the specified SQL record which is defined as a type whose name is passed via the function's first formal parameter using the locution NULL:type_identifier. The JSON value is passed via the second formal parameter. The result is a set (i.e. a table) of records of the specified type.

Use this ysqlsh script to create the type "t", and then to execute the ASSERT.

Record and array comparison

Notice the because the result is a table, it must be materialized in a cursor for loop. Each selected row is accumulated in an array of type t[]. The expected result is also established in an array of type t[]. The input JSON array has been contrived, by sometimes not having a key "a" or a key "b" so that the resulting records sometimes have NULL fields. Record comparison, and array comparison, both use IS NOT DISTINCT FROM semantics—unlike is the case for scalar comparison. This means that the ASSERT can use a simple equality test to compare "rows" and "expected_rows". See the section Operators for comparing two arrays.
create type t as (a int, b int);

do $body$
  array_of_objects constant jsonb :=
      {"a": 1, "b": 2},
      {"b": 4, "a": 3},
      {"a": 5, "c": 6},
      {"b": 7, "d": 8},
      {"c": 9, "d": 0}

  rows t[];
  expected_rows constant t[] :=
      (   1,    2)::t,
      (   3,    4)::t,
      (   5, null)::t,
      (null,    7)::t,
      (null, null)::t
  row t;
  n int := 0;
  for row in (
    select a, b
    from jsonb_populate_recordset(null::t, array_of_objects)
    n := n + 1;
    rows[n] := row;
  end loop;

    (rows = expected_rows),