Test the date-time subtraction overloads
The start page of the overall date-time section explains why timetz is not covered. So there are five date-time data types to consider here and therefore twenty-five overloads to test. The following code implements all of the tests. The design of the code (it tests the legal subtractions and the illegal subtractions separately) was informed by ad hoc tests during its development.
Try this:
drop function if exists type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload(text) cascade;
create function type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload(i in text)
returns regtype
language plpgsql
as $body$
d1 constant date not null := '01-01-2020';
d2 constant date not null := '02-01-2020';
t1 constant time not null := '12:00:00';
t2 constant time not null := '13:00:00';
ts1 constant timestamp not null := '01-01-2020 12:00:00';
ts2 constant timestamp not null := '02-01-2020 12:00:00';
tstz1 constant timestamptz not null := '01-01-2020 12:00:00 UTC';
tstz2 constant timestamptz not null := '02-01-2020 12:00:00 UTC';
i1 constant interval not null := '12 hours';
i2 constant interval not null := '13 hours';
t regtype not null := pg_typeof(d1);
case i
-- "date" row.
when 'date-date' then
t := pg_typeof(d1 - d2);
when 'date-time' then
t := pg_typeof(d1 - t2);
when 'date-ts' then
t := pg_typeof(d1 - ts2);
when 'date-tstz' then
t := pg_typeof(d1 - tstz2);
when 'date-interval' then
t := pg_typeof(d1 - i2);
-- "time" row.
when 'time-date' then
t := pg_typeof(t1 - d2);
when 'time-time' then
t := pg_typeof(t1 - t2);
when 'time-ts' then
t := pg_typeof(t1 - ts2);
when 'time-tstz' then
t := pg_typeof(t1 - tstz2);
when 'time-interval' then
t := pg_typeof(t1 - i2);
-- Plain "timestamp" row.
when 'ts-date' then
t := pg_typeof(ts1 - d2);
when 'ts-time' then
t := pg_typeof(ts1 - t2);
when 'ts-ts' then
t := pg_typeof(ts1 - ts2);
when 'ts-tstz' then
t := pg_typeof(ts1 - tstz2);
when 'ts-interval' then
t := pg_typeof(ts1 - i2);
-- "timestamptz" row.
when 'tstz-date' then
t := pg_typeof(tstz1 - d2);
when 'tstz-time' then
t := pg_typeof(tstz1 - t2);
when 'tstz-ts' then
t := pg_typeof(tstz1 - ts2);
when 'tstz-tstz' then
t := pg_typeof(tstz1 - tstz2);
when 'tstz-interval' then
t := pg_typeof(tstz1 - i2);
-- "interval" row.
when 'interval-date' then
t := pg_typeof(i1 - d2);
when 'interval-time' then
t := pg_typeof(i1 - t2);
when 'interval-ts' then
t := pg_typeof(i1 - ts2);
when 'interval-tstz' then
t := pg_typeof(i1 - tstz2);
when 'interval-interval' then
t := pg_typeof(i1 - i2);
end case;
return t;
drop procedure if exists confirm_expected_42883(text) cascade;
create procedure confirm_expected_42883(i in text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
t regtype;
t := type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload(i);
assert false, 'Unexpected';
-- 42883: operator does not exist...
exception when undefined_function then
drop procedure if exists confirm_expected_42725(text) cascade;
create procedure confirm_expected_42725(i in text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
t regtype;
t := type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload(i);
assert false, 'Unexpected';
-- 42725: operator is not unique...
exception when ambiguous_function then
drop function if exists date_time_subtraction_overloads_report() cascade;
create function date_time_subtraction_overloads_report()
returns table(z text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
-- 19 legal subtractions in all.
z := 'date-date: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('date-date')::text; return next;
z := 'date-time: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('date-time')::text; return next;
z := 'date-ts: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('date-ts')::text; return next;
z := 'date-tstz: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('date-tstz')::text; return next;
z := 'date-interval: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('date-interval')::text; return next;
z := ''; return next;
z := 'time-time: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('time-time')::text; return next;
z := 'time-interval: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('time-interval')::text; return next;
z := ''; return next;
z := 'ts-date: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('ts-date')::text; return next;
z := 'ts-time: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('ts-time')::text; return next;
z := 'ts-ts: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('ts-ts')::text; return next;
z := 'ts-tstz: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('ts-tstz')::text; return next;
z := 'ts-interval: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('ts-interval')::text; return next;
z := ''; return next;
z := 'tstz-date: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('tstz-date')::text; return next;
z := 'tstz-time: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('tstz-time')::text; return next;
z := 'tstz-ts: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('tstz-ts')::text; return next;
z := 'tstz-tstz: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('tstz-tstz')::text; return next;
z := 'tstz-interval: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('tstz-interval')::text; return next;
z := ''; return next;
z := 'interval-time: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('interval-time')::text; return next;
z := 'interval-interval: '||type_from_date_time_subtraction_overload('interval-interval')::text; return next;
-- 6 illegal subtractions in all.
call confirm_expected_42883('time-date');
call confirm_expected_42883('time-ts');
call confirm_expected_42883('time-tstz');
call confirm_expected_42883('interval-date');
call confirm_expected_42883('interval-ts');
call confirm_expected_42883('interval-tstz');
select z from date_time_subtraction_overloads_report();
This is the result:
date-date: integer
date-time: timestamp without time zone
date-ts: interval
date-tstz: interval
date-interval: timestamp without time zone
time-time: interval
time-interval: time without time zone
ts-date: interval
ts-time: timestamp without time zone
ts-ts: interval
ts-tstz: interval
ts-interval: timestamp without time zone
tstz-date: interval
tstz-time: timestamp with time zone
tstz-ts: interval
tstz-tstz: interval
tstz-interval: timestamp with time zone
interval-time: interval
interval-interval: interval