Create the procedure cr_staging_tables()
This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.
This procedure makes use of the array_agg()
function to get all the values as a text[]
array in a single PL/pgSQL-to-SQL round trip. And it uses the terse FOREACH
construct to iterate of the array's values.
Save this script as "cr-cr-staging-tables.sql"
drop procedure if exists cr_staging_tables() cascade;
create procedure cr_staging_tables()
language plpgsql
as $body$
drop_table constant text := '
drop table if exists ? cascade; ';
create_staging_table constant text := '
create table ?(
code int not null,
geo_value text not null,
signal text not null,
time_value date not null,
direction text,
issue date not null,
lag int not null,
value numeric not null,
stderr numeric not null,
sample_size numeric not null,
geo_type text not null,
data_source text not null,
constraint ?_pk primary key(geo_value, time_value));
names constant text[] not null := (
select array_agg(staging_table) from covidcast_names);
name text not null := '';
foreach name in array names loop
execute replace(drop_table, '?',name);
execute replace(create_staging_table, '?',name);
end loop;