Function extract() | date_part() returns double precision
The function extract(), and the alternative syntax that the function date_part() supports for the same semantics, return a double precision value corresponding to a nominated so-called field, like year or second, from the input date-time value.
The two functions, extract() and date_part(), have identical semantics. They differ not just in name but also in syntax:
extract(<field> from date_time_value) == date_part(field_text_value, date_time_value)
Notice that extract() requires that
Try this:
set timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
c1 as (
select '2021-09-22 13:17:53.123456 Europe/Helsinki'::timestamptz as t),
c2 as (
extract(week from t) as ew,
extract(hour from t) as eh,
extract(second from t) as es,
date_part('week', t) as dw,
date_part('hour', t) as dh,
date_part('second', t) as ds
from c1)
ew::text as "week",
eh::text as "hour",
es::text as "second",
(ew = dw)::text as "(ew = dw)",
(eh = dh)::text as "(eh = dh)",
(es = ds)::text as "(es = ds)"
from c2;
This is the result:
week | hour | second | (ew = dw) | (eh = dh) | (es = ds)
38 | 3 | 53.123456 | true | true | true
The extract() function is specified in the SQL Standard and seems to be supported in all SQL database systems. The list of keywords, though, is database-system-specific. (For example, Oracle Database supports only about ten of these while PostgreSQL, and therefore YSQL, support about twenty.) In contrast, the date_part() function is specific to PostgreSQL (and any system like YSQL that aims to support the identical syntax and semantics).
The \df meta-command produces output for date_part() in the normal way; but it produces no output for extract(). Here is the interesting part of the output from \df date_part():
Result data type | Argument data types
double precision | text, date
double precision | text, time without time zone
double precision | text, timestamp without time zone
double precision | text, timestamp with time zone
double precision | text, interval
Three rows were removed manually:
- The one for the timetz argument data type. (See the recommendation to avoid using timetz on the overall date-time section's main page.)
- The two for the abstime and reltim data types. (See the recommendation below.)
The remaining rows were re-ordered, and blank lines were added, to improve the readability.
The PostgreSQL documentation says this:
The data types abstime and reltime are lower precision types which are used internally. Don't use these types in applications; these internal types might disappear in a future release.
Because date_part() uses a text value to specify the to-be-extracted field rather than a keyword, it allows noticeably more flexible programmability. Here's a simple example:
drop function if exists fields_report(timestamptz) cascade;
create function fields_report(tstz in timestamptz)
returns table(z text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
fields constant text[] not null := array ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'];
f text not null := '';
foreach f in array fields loop
assert pg_typeof(date_part(f, tstz))::text = 'double precision';
z := rpad(f||':', 8)||date_part(f, tstz)::text; return next;
end loop;
Test it first like this:
set timezone = 'UTC';
select z from fields_report('2017-05-17 11:42:13 UTC');
This is the result:
year: 2017
month: 5
day: 17
hour: 11
minute: 42
second: 13
Now test it like this:
set timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
select z from fields_report('2021-09-22 13:17:53.123456 Europe/Helsinki');
This is the result:
year: 2021
month: 9
day: 22
hour: 3
minute: 17
second: 53.123456
You can see that, in the normal way, the extracted value for the months field from a timestamptz value is sensitive both to the reigning timezone when the value is set and the reigning timezone when it is observed.
List of keywords
Keyword | Description |
millennium | The millennium. |
century | The century. |
decade | The year field divided by 10. |
year | The year field. Remember that there is no year zero, so subtracting BC years from AD years should be done with care. (Add one to the result.) |
quarter | The quarter of the year (1..4) that the date is in. |
month | For timestamp[tz] values, the number of the month within the year (1..12); for interval values, the number of months, modulo 12 (0..11). |
day | For timestamp[tz] values, the day (of the month) field (1..31); for interval values, the number of days. |
hour | The hour field (0..23). |
minute | The minutes field (0..59). |
second | The seconds field, including fractional parts (0..59.999999). |
milliseconds | The seconds field, including fractional parts, multiplied by 1,000. Note that this includes full seconds. |
microseconds | The seconds field, including fractional parts, multiplied by 1,000,000. Note that this includes full seconds. |
timezone_hour | The hour component of the time zone offset. |
timezone_minute | The minute component of the time zone offset. |
timezone | The time zone offset from UTC, measured in seconds. Positive values correspond to time zones east of UTC, negative values to zones west of UTC. |
doy | The day of the year (1..365/366). |
dow | The day of the week as Sunday (0) to Saturday (6). |
isodow | The day of the week as Monday (1) to Sunday (7). |
week | The number of the week of the year using the ISO 8601 week-numbering scheme. By definition, ISO weeks start on Mondays and the first week of a year contains 4-January of that year. In other words, the first Thursday of a year is in week 1 of that year. In the ISO week-numbering system, it is possible for early-January dates to be part of the 52nd or 53rd week of the previous year, and for late-December dates to be part of the first week of the next year. For example, 2005-01-01 is part of the 53rd week of 2004, and 2006-01-01 is part of the 52nd week of 2005, while 2012-12-31 is part of the first week of 2013. Use the isoyear field together with the week field to get consistent results. See the example immediately after this table. |
isoyear | The ISO 8601 week-numbering year that the date falls in (not applicable to intervals). |
epoch | For timestamptz values, the result is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (negative for values before that moment); and for date and plain timestamp values, the result is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. See the demonstration subsection and the discussion the parcedes it on the plain timestamp and timestamptz data types page. For interval values, the result is the total number of seconds in the interval. See The extract(epoch from interval_value) built-in function. Notice that the result of extract(epoch from ...) is never sensitive to the session's timezone setting. |
julian | The Julian Date corresponding to the date or timestamp[tz] value (not supported for interval values). timestamp[tz] values that are not local midnight result in a fractional value. See Appendix B.7. Julian Dates in the PostgreSQL documentation. |
Demonstrate the recommended joint use of isoyear and week thus:
drop function if exists f(date) cascade;
create function f(d in date)
returns text
language plpgsql
as $body$
d::text||' -> '||
ltrim(to_char(extract(isoyear from d), '9999999'))||':'||
ltrim(to_char(extract(week from d), '09'));
f('2005-01-01') as "y:d 1",
f('2006-01-01') as "y:d 2",
f('2012-12-31') as "y:d 3";
This is the result:
y:d 1 | y:d 2 | y:d 3
2005-01-01 -> 2004:53 | 2006-01-01 -> 2005:52 | 2012-12-31 -> 2013:01
Which fields can you extract from values of which data type?
Obviously, it makes sense to ask about the value of the timezone only for an observed timestamptz value. And because an interval value measures a duration and isn't anchored to any particular moment, it makes no sense to ask which millennium it falls in. The following table function attempts to extract, in turn, each of the fields with legal names (there are twenty-two in all) from values of each of the five relevant date-time data types, date, plain time, plain timestamp, timestamptz, and interval. (timetz values are excluded from the attempt following the recommendation, here, to avoid this data type. A table function is used so that the results can be presented in a nicely comprehensible fashion as a five-by-twenty-two matrix with the filed name on the vertical axis and the data type on the horizontal axis. If the requested extraction is legal, then the text typecast of resulting double precision value is shown in the cell. And if the operation is illegal, then the cell is left blank.
Create and execute the table function like this:
drop function if exists field_versus_data_type_extractability() cascade;
create function field_versus_data_type_extractability()
returns table(z text)
language plpgsql
as $body$
d constant date not null := '2016-09-18';
t constant time not null := '13:17:53.123456';
ts constant timestamp not null := '2016-09-18 13:17:53.123456';
tstz constant timestamptz not null := '2016-09-18 13:17:53.123456 Europe/Helsinki';
i interval not null := make_interval(months=>14653, days=>99, secs=>5767.123456);
pad constant int not null := 18;
f text not null := '';
v_d text not null := 0;
v_t text not null := 0;
v_ts text not null := 0;
v_tstz text not null := 0;
v_i text not null := 0;
fields constant text[] not null := array [
z := rpad('date:', pad)||d::text; return next;
z := rpad('time:', pad)||t::text; return next;
z := rpad('ts:', pad)||ts::text; return next;
z := rpad('tstz:', pad)||tstz::text; return next;
z := rpad('interval:', pad)||i::text; return next;
z:= ''; return next;
z := lpad(' ', pad)||lpad('date', pad)||
lpad('time', pad)||
lpad('ts', pad)||
lpad('tstz', pad)||
lpad('interval', pad); return next;
z := lpad(' ', pad)||' '||lpad('-', (pad-2), '-')||
' '||lpad('-', (pad-2), '-')||
' '||lpad('-', (pad-2), '-')||
' '||lpad('-', (pad-2), '-')||
' '||lpad('-', (pad-2), '-'); return next;
foreach f in array fields loop
-- "feature_not_supported" is "0A000"
-- "invalid_parameter_value" is "22023"
v_d := date_part(f, d)::text;
when feature_not_supported then
v_d := '';
v_t := date_part(f, t)::text;
when feature_not_supported or invalid_parameter_value then
v_t := '';
v_ts := date_part(f, ts)::text;
when feature_not_supported or invalid_parameter_value then
v_ts := '';
v_tstz := date_part(f, tstz)::text;
v_i := date_part(f, i)::text;
when feature_not_supported or invalid_parameter_value then
v_i := '';
z := rpad(f||':', pad)||lpad(v_d, pad)||
lpad(v_t, pad)||
lpad(v_ts, pad)||
lpad(v_tstz, pad)||
lpad(v_i, pad); return next;
end loop;
select z from field_versus_data_type_extractability();
This is the result:
date: 2016-09-18
time: 13:17:53.123456
ts: 2016-09-18 13:17:53.123456
tstz: 2016-09-18 03:17:53.123456-07
interval: 1221 years 1 mon 99 days 01:36:07.123456
date time ts tstz interval
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
millennium: 3 3 3 1
century: 21 21 21 12
decade: 201 201 201 122
year: 2016 2016 2016 1221
quarter: 3 3 3 1
month: 9 9 9 1
day: 18 18 18 99
hour: 0 13 13 3 1
minute: 0 17 17 17 36
second: 0 53.123456 53.123456 53.123456 7.123456
milliseconds: 0 53123.456 53123.456 53123.456 7123.456
microseconds: 0 53123456 53123456 53123456 7123456
timezone_hour: -7
timezone_minute: 0
timezone: -25200
doy: 262 262 262
dow: 0 0 0
isodow: 7 7 7
week: 37 37 37
isoyear: 2016 2016 2016
epoch: 1474156800 47873.123456 1474204673.12346 1474193873.12346 38542980967.1235
julian: 2457650 2457650.55408708 2457650.13742041
Notice that an illegal extraction attempt with all data types apart from time causes the 0A000 error (feature_not_supported). But an illegal extraction attempt on a time value might cause the 22023 error (invalid_parameter_value) with a message like "time" units "millennium" not recognized.
The rules that let you predict the extracted field values from an interval value rely on understanding how interval values are stored as a [mm, dd, ss] tuple. This is explained in the section How does YSQL represent an interval value? Further, the algorithm that extract() uses on an interval value depends on some arbitrarily asserted rules of thumb, explained here.