
Use the CREATE PUBLICATION statement to create a publication in a database. A publication is a set of changes generated from a table or a group of tables, and might also be described as a change set or replication set. It defines the publication name and the tables included in it.


create_publication ::= CREATE PUBLICATION publication_name 
                       [ FOR publication_for_option ]

publication_for_option ::= TABLE table_name [ , ... ] | ALL TABLES






Create a publication with publication_name. If publication_name already exists in the specified database, an error will be raised.


The FOR TABLE option specifies a list of tables to add to the publication while the FOR ALL TABLES option marks the publication as one that replicates changes for all tables in the database, including tables created in the future.

If FOR TABLE or FOR ALL TABLES are not specified, then the publication starts out with an empty set of tables. This is useful if tables are to be added later.


To create a publication, the invoking user must have the CREATE privilege for the current database. (Superusers bypass this check.)

To add a table to a publication, the invoking user must have ownership rights on the table. The FOR ALL TABLES clause requires the invoking user to be a superuser.


Publishing a subset of operations (create, update, delete, truncate) via a Publication is not currently supported.


Publication with two tables

yugabyte=# CREATE PUBLICATION mypublication FOR TABLE users, departments;

In this example, the publication mypublication consists of two tables, users and departments.

yugabyte=# select * from pg_publication;
    pubname    | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate
 mypublication |    13250 | f            | t         | t         | t         | t
(1 row)

Publication for all tables

yugabyte=# CREATE PUBLICATION puballtables FOR ALL TABLES;

In this example, the publication puballtables includes all the current as well as future tables.

yugabyte=# select * from pg_publication;
    pubname    | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate
 puballtables  |    13250 | t            | t         | t         | t         | t
(1 row)

See also