
This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).
Keywords Usage Exceptions
ABORT unreserved No exception
ABSOLUTE unreserved No exception
ACCESS unreserved No exception
ACTION unreserved No exception
ADD unreserved No exception
ADMIN unreserved No exception
AFTER unreserved No exception
AGGREGATE unreserved No exception
ALL reserved No exception
ALSO unreserved No exception
ALTER unreserved No exception
ALWAYS unreserved No exception
ANALYSE reserved No exception
ANALYZE reserved No exception
AND reserved No exception
ANY reserved No exception
ARRAY reserved No exception
AS reserved No exception
ASC reserved No exception
ASSERTION unreserved No exception
ASSIGNMENT unreserved No exception
ASYMMETRIC reserved No exception
AT unreserved No exception
ATTACH unreserved No exception
ATTRIBUTE unreserved No exception
AUTHORIZATION reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
BACKWARD unreserved No exception
BEFORE unreserved No exception
BEGIN unreserved No exception
BETWEEN unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
BIGINT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
BINARY reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
BIT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
BOOLEAN unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
BOTH reserved No exception
BY unreserved No exception
CACHE unreserved No exception
CALLED unreserved No exception
CASCADE unreserved No exception
CASCADED unreserved No exception
CASE reserved No exception
CAST reserved No exception
CATALOG unreserved No exception
CHAIN unreserved No exception
CHAR unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
CHARACTER unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
CHARACTERISTICS unreserved No exception
CHECK reserved No exception
CHECKPOINT unreserved No exception
CLASS unreserved No exception
CLOSE unreserved No exception
CLUSTER unreserved No exception
COALESCE unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
COLLATE reserved No exception
COLLATION reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
COLUMN reserved No exception
COLUMNS unreserved No exception
COMMENT unreserved No exception
COMMENTS unreserved No exception
COMMIT unreserved No exception
COMMITTED unreserved No exception
CONCURRENTLY reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
CONFIGURATION unreserved No exception
CONFLICT unreserved No exception
CONNECTION unreserved No exception
CONSTRAINT reserved No exception
CONSTRAINTS unreserved No exception
CONTENT unreserved No exception
CONTINUE unreserved No exception
CONVERSION unreserved No exception
COPY unreserved No exception
COST unreserved No exception
CREATE reserved No exception
CROSS reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
CSV unreserved No exception
CUBE unreserved No exception
CURRENT unreserved No exception
CURRENT_CATALOG reserved No exception
CURRENT_DATE reserved No exception
CURRENT_ROLE reserved No exception
CURRENT_SCHEMA reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
CURRENT_TIME reserved No exception
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP reserved No exception
CURRENT_USER reserved No exception
CURSOR unreserved No exception
CYCLE unreserved No exception
DATA unreserved No exception
DATABASE unreserved No exception
DAY unreserved No exception
DEALLOCATE unreserved No exception
DEC unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
DECIMAL unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
DECLARE unreserved No exception
DEFAULT reserved No exception
DEFAULTS unreserved No exception
DEFERRABLE reserved No exception
DEFERRED unreserved No exception
DEFINER unreserved No exception
DELETE unreserved No exception
DELIMITER unreserved No exception
DELIMITERS unreserved No exception
DEPENDS unreserved No exception
DESC reserved No exception
DETACH unreserved No exception
DICTIONARY unreserved No exception
DISABLE unreserved No exception
DISCARD unreserved No exception
DISTINCT reserved No exception
DO reserved No exception
DOCUMENT unreserved No exception
DOMAIN unreserved No exception
DOUBLE unreserved No exception
DROP unreserved No exception
EACH unreserved No exception
ELSE reserved No exception
ENABLE unreserved No exception
ENCODING unreserved No exception
ENCRYPTED unreserved No exception
END reserved No exception
ENUM unreserved No exception
ESCAPE unreserved No exception
EVENT unreserved No exception
EXCEPT reserved No exception
EXCLUDE unreserved No exception
EXCLUDING unreserved No exception
EXCLUSIVE unreserved No exception
EXECUTE unreserved No exception
EXISTS unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
EXPLAIN unreserved No exception
EXTENSION unreserved No exception
EXTERNAL unreserved No exception
EXTRACT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
FALSE reserved No exception
FAMILY unreserved No exception
FETCH reserved No exception
FILTER unreserved No exception
FIRST unreserved No exception
FLOAT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
FOLLOWING unreserved No exception
FOR reserved No exception
FORCE unreserved No exception
FOREIGN reserved No exception
FORWARD unreserved No exception
FREEZE reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
FROM reserved No exception
FULL reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
FUNCTION unreserved No exception
FUNCTIONS unreserved No exception
GENERATED unreserved No exception
GLOBAL unreserved No exception
GRANT reserved No exception
GRANTED unreserved No exception
GREATEST unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
GROUP reserved No exception
GROUPING unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
HANDLER unreserved No exception
HAVING reserved No exception
HEADER unreserved No exception
HOLD unreserved No exception
HOUR unreserved No exception
IDENTITY unreserved No exception
IF unreserved No exception
ILIKE reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
IMMEDIATE unreserved No exception
IMMUTABLE unreserved No exception
IMPLICIT unreserved No exception
IMPORT unreserved No exception
IN reserved No exception
INCLUDING unreserved No exception
INCREMENT unreserved No exception
INDEX unreserved No exception
INDEXES unreserved No exception
INHERIT unreserved No exception
INHERITS unreserved No exception
INITIALLY reserved No exception
INLINE unreserved No exception
INNER reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
INOUT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
INPUT unreserved No exception
INSENSITIVE unreserved No exception
INSERT unreserved No exception
INSTEAD unreserved No exception
INT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
INTEGER unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
INTERSECT reserved No exception
INTERVAL unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
INTO reserved No exception
INVOKER unreserved No exception
IS reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
ISNULL reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
ISOLATION unreserved No exception
JOIN reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
KEY unreserved No exception
LABEL unreserved No exception
LANGUAGE unreserved No exception
LARGE unreserved No exception
LAST unreserved No exception
LATERAL reserved No exception
LEADING reserved No exception
LEAKPROOF unreserved No exception
LEAST unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
LEFT reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
LEVEL unreserved No exception
LIKE reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
LIMIT reserved No exception
LISTEN unreserved No exception
LOAD unreserved No exception
LOCAL unreserved No exception
LOCALTIME reserved No exception
LOCALTIMESTAMP reserved No exception
LOCATION unreserved No exception
LOCK unreserved No exception
LOCKED unreserved No exception
LOGGED unreserved No exception
MAPPING unreserved No exception
MATCH unreserved No exception
MATERIALIZED unreserved No exception
MAXVALUE unreserved No exception
METHOD unreserved No exception
MINUTE unreserved No exception
MINVALUE unreserved No exception
MODE unreserved No exception
MONTH unreserved No exception
MOVE unreserved No exception
NAME unreserved No exception
NAMES unreserved No exception
NATIONAL unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
NATURAL reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
NCHAR unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
NEW unreserved No exception
NEXT unreserved No exception
NO EXCEPTION unreserved No exception
NONE unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
NOT reserved No exception
NOTHING unreserved No exception
NOTIFY unreserved No exception
NOTNULL reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
NOWAIT unreserved No exception
NULL reserved No exception
NULLIF unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
NULLS unreserved No exception
NUMERIC unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
OBJECT unreserved No exception
OF unreserved No exception
OFF unreserved No exception
OFFSET reserved No exception
OIDS unreserved No exception
OLD unreserved No exception
ON reserved No exception
ONLY reserved No exception
OPERATOR unreserved No exception
OPTION unreserved No exception
OPTIONS unreserved No exception
OR reserved No exception
ORDER reserved No exception
ORDINALITY unreserved No exception
OUT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
OUTER reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
OVER unreserved No exception
OVERLAPS reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
OVERLAY unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
OVERRIDING unreserved No exception
OWNED unreserved No exception
OWNER unreserved No exception
PARALLEL unreserved No exception
PARSER unreserved No exception
PARTIAL unreserved No exception
PARTITION unreserved No exception
PASSING unreserved No exception
PASSWORD unreserved No exception
PLACING reserved No exception
PLANS unreserved No exception
POLICY unreserved No exception
POSITION unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
PRECEDING unreserved No exception
PRECISION unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
PREPARE unreserved No exception
PREPARED unreserved No exception
PRESERVE unreserved No exception
PRIMARY reserved No exception
PRIOR unreserved No exception
PRIVILEGES unreserved No exception
PROCEDURAL unreserved No exception
PROCEDURE unreserved No exception
PROGRAM unreserved No exception
PUBLICATION unreserved No exception
QUOTE unreserved No exception
RANGE unreserved No exception
READ unreserved No exception
REAL unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
REASSIGN unreserved No exception
RECHECK unreserved No exception
RECURSIVE unreserved No exception
REF unreserved No exception
REFERENCES reserved No exception
REFERENCING unreserved No exception
REFRESH unreserved No exception
REINDEX unreserved No exception
RELATIVE unreserved No exception
RELEASE unreserved No exception
RENAME unreserved No exception
REPEATABLE unreserved No exception
REPLACE unreserved No exception
REPLICA unreserved No exception
RESET unreserved No exception
RESTART unreserved No exception
RESTRICT unreserved No exception
RETURNING reserved No exception
RETURNS unreserved No exception
REVOKE unreserved No exception
RIGHT reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
ROLE unreserved No exception
ROLLBACK unreserved No exception
ROLLUP unreserved No exception
ROW unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
ROWS unreserved No exception
RULE unreserved No exception
SAVEPOINT unreserved No exception
SCHEMA unreserved No exception
SCHEMAS unreserved No exception
SCROLL unreserved No exception
SEARCH unreserved No exception
SECOND unreserved No exception
SECURITY unreserved No exception
SELECT reserved No exception
SEQUENCE unreserved No exception
SEQUENCES unreserved No exception
SERIALIZABLE unreserved No exception
SERVER unreserved No exception
SESSION unreserved No exception
SESSION_USER reserved No exception
SET unreserved No exception
SETOF unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
SETS unreserved No exception
SHARE unreserved No exception
SHOW unreserved No exception
SIMILAR reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
SIMPLE unreserved No exception
SKIP unreserved No exception
SMALLINT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
SNAPSHOT unreserved No exception
SOME reserved No exception
SQL unreserved No exception
STABLE unreserved No exception
STANDALONE unreserved No exception
START unreserved No exception
STATEMENT unreserved No exception
STATISTICS unreserved No exception
STDIN unreserved No exception
STDOUT unreserved No exception
STORAGE unreserved No exception
STRICT unreserved No exception
STRIP unreserved No exception
SUBSCRIPTION unreserved No exception
SUBSTRING unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
SYMMETRIC reserved No exception
SYSID unreserved No exception
SYSTEM unreserved No exception
TABLE reserved No exception
TABLES unreserved No exception
TABLESAMPLE reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
TABLESPACE unreserved No exception
TEMP unreserved No exception
TEMPLATE unreserved No exception
TEMPORARY unreserved No exception
TEXT unreserved No exception
THEN reserved No exception
TIME unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
TIMESTAMP unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
TO reserved No exception
TRAILING reserved No exception
TRANSACTION unreserved No exception
TRANSFORM unreserved No exception
TREAT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
TRIGGER unreserved No exception
TRIM unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
TRUE reserved No exception
TRUNCATE unreserved No exception
TRUSTED unreserved No exception
TYPE unreserved No exception
TYPES unreserved No exception
UNBOUNDED unreserved No exception
UNCOMMITTED unreserved No exception
UNENCRYPTED unreserved No exception
UNION reserved No exception
UNIQUE reserved No exception
UNKNOWN unreserved No exception
UNLISTEN unreserved No exception
UNLOGGED unreserved No exception
UNTIL unreserved No exception
UPDATE unreserved No exception
USER reserved No exception
USING reserved No exception
VACUUM unreserved No exception
VALID unreserved No exception
VALIDATE unreserved No exception
VALIDATOR unreserved No exception
VALUE unreserved No exception
VALUES unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
VARCHAR unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
VARIADIC reserved No exception
VARYING unreserved No exception
VERBOSE reserved Can be used for function, type, or alias names
VERSION unreserved No exception
VIEW unreserved No exception
VIEWS unreserved No exception
VOLATILE unreserved No exception
WHEN reserved No exception
WHERE reserved No exception
WHITESPACE unreserved No exception
WINDOW reserved No exception
WITH reserved No exception
WITHIN unreserved No exception
WITHOUT unreserved No exception
WORK unreserved No exception
WRAPPER unreserved No exception
WRITE unreserved No exception
XML unreserved No exception
XMLATTRIBUTES unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLCONCAT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLELEMENT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLEXISTS unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLFOREST unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLNAMESPACES unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLPARSE unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLPI unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLROOT unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLSERIALIZE unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
XMLTABLE unreserved Not allowed for function or type names
YEAR unreserved No exception
YES unreserved No exception
ZONE unreserved No exception