Purpose: Provide the identical functionality to the #> operator.

Signature For the jsonb variant:

input value:       jsonb, VARIADIC text
return value:      jsonb

The invocation of #> can be mechanically transformed to use jsonb_extract_path() by these steps:

  • Add the function invocation with its required parentheses.
  • Replace #> with a comma.
  • Write the path as a comma-separated list of terms, where both integer array indexes and key-value keys are presented as text values, taking advantage of the fact that the function is variadic).

This DO block shows the invocation of #> and jsonb_extract_path() vertically to help visual comparison.

do $body$
  j constant jsonb :=
    '[1, {"x": [1, true, {"a": "cat", "b": "dog"}, 3.14159], "y": true}, 42]';

  jsub_1 constant jsonb :=                    j #> array['1', 'x', '2', 'b'];
  jsub_2 constant jsonb := jsonb_extract_path(j,         '1', 'x', '2', 'b');

  expected_jsub constant jsonb := '"dog"';
    (jsub_1 = expected_jsub) and
    (jsub_2 = expected_jsub),

Notice that even though jsonb_extract_path()is variadic, each step that defines the path must be presented as a convertible SQL text, even when its meaning is a properly expressed by a SQL integer.

The function form is more verbose than the operator form. Moreover, the fact that the function is variadic makes it impossible to invoke it statically (in PL/pgSQL code) when the path length isn't known until run time. There is, therefore, no reason to prefer the function form to the operator form.