Create the procedure assert_assumptions_ok()

This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).

The background for the tests that this procedure performs is explained in the section Check that the values from the .csv files do indeed conform to the stated rules.

It makes use of these features of the "array" data type:

  • the array[] constructor.

  • the array_agg() function to get all the values returned by SELECT execution as a text[] array in a single PL/pgSQL-to-SQL round trip.

  • the cardinality() function to return the number of elements in an array.

  • the terse FOREACH construct to iterate of the array's values.

Save this script as "cr-assert-assumptions-ok.sql"

drop procedure if exists assert_assumptions_ok(date, date) cascade;

create procedure assert_assumptions_ok(start_survey_date in date, end_survey_date in date)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  -- Each survey date (i.e. "time_value") has exactly the same number of states (i.e. "geo_value").
  -- Each state has the same number, of survey date values.

  expected_states constant text[] not null := array[
    'ak', 'al', 'ar', 'az', 'ca', 'co', 'ct', 'dc', 'de', 'fl', 'ga',
    'hi', 'ia', 'id', 'il', 'in', 'ks', 'ky', 'la', 'ma', 'md',
    'me', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mt', 'nc', 'nd', 'ne', 'nh',
    'nj', 'nm', 'nv', 'ny', 'oh', 'ok', 'or', 'pa', 'ri', 'sc',
    'sd', 'tn', 'tx', 'ut', 'va', 'vt', 'wa', 'wi', 'wv', 'wy'

  expected_state_count constant int := cardinality(expected_states);

  actual_states_qry constant text not null :=
    'select array_agg(distinct geo_value order by geo_value) from ?';

  actual_states text[] not null := '{}';

  expected_dates date[] not null := array[start_survey_date];

  actual_dates_qry constant text not null :=
    'select array_agg(distinct time_value order by time_value) from ?';

  actual_dates date[] not null := '{}';

  expected_date_count int not null := 0;

  names constant covidcast_names[] not null := (
    select array_agg((csv_file, staging_table, signal)::covidcast_names) from covidcast_names);

  expected_total_count int not null := 0;

  r covidcast_names not null := ('', '', '');
  d  date     not null := start_survey_date;
  t  text     not null := '';
  n  int      not null := 0;
  b  boolean  not null := false;
    d := d + interval '1 day';
    expected_dates := expected_dates||d;
    exit when d >= end_survey_date;
  end loop;
  expected_date_count := cardinality(expected_dates);
  expected_total_count := expected_state_count*expected_date_count;

  foreach r in array names loop

    -- signal: One of covidcast_names.signal.
    execute replace('select distinct signal from ?', '?', r.staging_table) into t;
    assert t = r.signal, 'signal from '||r.staging_table||' <> "'||r.signal||'"';

    -- geo_type: state.
    execute 'select distinct geo_type from '||r.staging_table into t;
    assert t = 'state', 'geo_type from '||r.staging_table||' <> "state"';

    -- data_source: fb-survey.
    execute 'select distinct data_source from '||r.staging_table into t;
    assert t = 'fb-survey', 'data_source from '||r.staging_table||' <> "fb-survey"';

    -- direction: IS NULL.
    execute $$select distinct coalesce(direction, '<null>') from $$||r.staging_table into t;
    assert t = '<null>', 'direction from '||r.staging_table||' <> "<null>"';

    -- Expected total count(*).
    execute 'select count(*) from '||r.staging_table into n;
    assert n = expected_total_count, 'count from '||r.staging_table||' <> expected_total_count';

    -- geo_value: Check list of actual distinct states is as expected.
    execute replace(actual_states_qry, '?', r.staging_table) into actual_states;
    assert actual_states = expected_states, 'actual_states <> expected_states';

    -- geo_value: Expected distinct state (i.e. "geo_value") count(*).
    execute 'select count(distinct geo_value) from '||r.staging_table into n;
    assert n = expected_state_count, 'distinct state count per survey date from '||r.staging_table||' <> expected_state_count';

    -- time_value: Check list of actual distinct survey dates is as expected.
    execute replace(actual_dates_qry, '?', r.staging_table) into actual_dates;
    assert actual_dates = expected_dates, 'actual_dates <> expected_dates';

    -- time_value: Expected distinct survey date (i.e. "time_value") count(*).
    execute 'select count(distinct time_value) from '||r.staging_table into n;
    assert n = expected_date_count, 'distinct survey date count per state from '||r.staging_table||' <> expected_date_count';

    -- Same number of states (i.e. "geo_value") for each distinct survey date (i.e. "time_value").
    execute '
      with r as (
        select time_value, count(time_value) as n from '||r.staging_table||'
        group by time_value)
      select distinct n from r' into n;
    assert n = expected_state_count, 'distinct state count from '||r.staging_table||' <> expected_state_count';

    -- Same number of survey dates (i.e. "time_value") for each distinct state (i.e. geo_value).
    execute '
      with r as (
        select geo_value, count(geo_value) as n from '||r.staging_table||'
        group by geo_value)
      select distinct n from r' into n;
    assert n = expected_date_count, 'distinct state count from '||r.staging_table||' <> expected_date_count';

    -- value: check is legal percentage value.
    execute '
        max(value) between 0 and 100 and
        min(value) between 0 and 100
      from '||r.staging_table into b;
    assert b, 'max(value), min(value) from '||r.staging_table||' both < 100 FALSE';
  end loop;

  -- code and geo_value: check same exact one-to-one correspondence in all staging tables.
    chk_code_and_geo_values constant text := $$
      a1 as (
        select to_char(code, '90')||' '||geo_value as v from ?1),
      v1 as (
        select v, count(v) as n from a1 group by v),
      a2 as (
        select to_char(code, '90')||' '||geo_value as v from ?2),
      v2 as (
        select v, count(v) as n from a2 group by v),
      a3 as (
        select to_char(code, '90')||' '||geo_value as v from ?3),
      v3 as (
        select v, count(v) as n from a3 group by v),

      v4 as (select v, n from v1 except select v, n from v2),
      v5 as (select v, n from v2 except select v, n from v1),
      v6 as (select v, n from v1 except select v, n from v3),
      v7 as (select v, n from v3 except select v, n from v1),

      r as (
        select v, n from v4
        union all
        select v, n from v5
        union all
        select v, n from v6
        union all
        select v, n from v6)

    select count(*) from r$$;
    execute replace(replace(replace(chk_code_and_geo_values,
    '?1', names[1].staging_table),
    '?2', names[2].staging_table),
    '?3', names[3].staging_table
    ) into n;

    assert n = 0, '(code, geo_value) tuples from the three staging tables disagree';

  -- Check set of (geo_value, time_value) values same in each staging table.
    chk_putative_pks constant text := '
        v1 as (
          select geo_value, time_value from ?1
          select geo_value, time_value from ?2),

        v2 as (
          select geo_value, time_value from ?2
          select geo_value, time_value from ?1),

        v3 as (
          select geo_value, time_value from ?1
          select geo_value, time_value from ?3),

        v4 as (
          select geo_value, time_value from ?3
          select geo_value, time_value from ?1),

        v5 as (
          select geo_value, time_value from v1
          union all
          select geo_value, time_value from v2
          union all
          select geo_value, time_value from v3
          union all
          select geo_value, time_value from v4)

      select count(*) from v5';
    execute replace(replace(replace(chk_putative_pks,
        '?1', names[1].staging_table),
        '?2', names[2].staging_table),
        '?3', names[3].staging_table)
      into n;

    assert n = 0, 'pk values from ' ||
      replace(replace(replace('?1, ?2, ?3',
        '?1', names[1].staging_table),
        '?2', names[2].staging_table),
        '?3', names[3].staging_table) ||
      ' do not line up';