Purpose: Convert a single SQL value of any primitive or compound data type, that allows a JSON representation, to a semantically equivalent jsonb
Signature For the jsonb
input value: anyelement
return value: jsonb
Use this ysqlsh
script to create types "t1" and "t2" and then to execute the DO
block that asserts that the behavior is as expected. For an arbitrary nest of SQL record
and SQL array values, readability is improved by building the compound value from the bottom up.
create type t1 as(a int, b text);
create type t2 as(x text, y boolean, z t1[]);
do $body$
j1_dog constant jsonb := to_jsonb('In the'||Chr(10)||'"dog house"'::text);
j2_dog constant jsonb := '"In the\n\"dog house\""';
j1_42 constant jsonb := to_jsonb(42::numeric);
j2_42 constant jsonb := '42';
j1_true constant jsonb := to_jsonb(true::boolean);
j2_true constant jsonb := 'true';
j1_null constant jsonb := to_jsonb(null::boolean);
j2_null constant jsonb := 'null';
j1_array constant jsonb := to_jsonb(array['a', 42, true]::text[]);
j2_array constant jsonb := '["a", "42", "true"]';
v1 t1 := (17::int, 'dog'::text);
v2 t1 := (42::int, 'cat'::text);
v3 t1[] := array[v1, v2];
v4 t2 := ('frog', true, v3);
j1_object constant jsonb := to_jsonb(v4::t2);
j2_object constant jsonb :=
'{"x": "frog",
"y": true,
"z": [{"a": 17, "b": "dog"}, {"a": 42, "b": "cat"}]}';
j1_dog = j2_dog and
j1_42 = j2_42 and
j1_true = j2_true and
j1_array = j2_array and
j1_object = j2_object,