This page presents two helper functions. They are useful in substantiating Rule 2, Rule 3, and Rule 4—explained in this page's peer pages:

function occurrences(string in text)

This function searches for the input string in each of the relevant scopes—i.e. the columns in the two relevant catalog views:

  • pg_timezone_names.abbrev
  • pg_timezone_abbrevs.abbrev

It returns a vector of three booleans, one for each of the searched columns, where true means "found the string in this column" and false means "failed to find it".

First create the function's return type:

drop type if exists occurrences_t cascade;

create type occurrences_t as(
  names_name      boolean,
  names_abbrev    boolean,
  abbrevs_abbrev  boolean);

Now create the function:

drop function if exists occurrences(text) cascade;

create function occurrences(string in text)
  returns occurrences_t
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  names_name_count constant int not null :=
    (select count(*) from pg_timezone_names   where upper(name)   = upper(string));
  names_abbrev_count constant int not null :=
    (select count(*) from pg_timezone_names   where upper(abbrev) = upper(string));
  abbrevs_abbrev_count constant int not null :=
    (select count(*) from pg_timezone_abbrevs where upper(abbrev) = upper(string));
  r constant occurrences_t not null := (
    names_name_count     > 0,
    names_abbrev_count   > 0,
    abbrevs_abbrev_count > 0)::occurrences_t;
  return r;

This function tries the input string in each of the three syntax contexts where a string that's intended to specify the UTC offset may be used.

  • As the set timezone argument

  • as the at time zone argument

  • in specifying a timestamptz value.

See Three syntax contexts that use the specification of a UTC offset, the table in this page's parent, "Rules for resolving a string that's intended to identify a UTC offset", and the examples that follow it.

The function uses the occurrences() helper function to annotate the report. Create it thus:

drop function if exists legal_scopes_for_syntax_context(text) cascade;

create function legal_scopes_for_syntax_context(string in text)
  returns table(x text)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  ok                       constant text          not null := '> OK';
  x1                       constant text          not null := '> invalid_parameter_value';
  x2                       constant text          not null := '> invalid_datetime_format';
  set_timezone_            constant text          not null := $$set timezone = '%s'$$;
  timezone_invocation_     constant text          not null := $$select timezone('%s', '%s')$$;
  timestamptz_literal_     constant text          not null := $$select '%s %s'::timestamptz$$;

  ts_plain                 constant timestamp     not null := '2021-06-07 12:00:00';
  ts_text                  constant text          not null := ts_plain::text;
  ts_tz                             timestamptz   not null := 'infinity'; -- any not null value will do

  set_timezone             constant text          not null := format(set_timezone_, string);
  timezone_invocation      constant text          not null := format(timezone_invocation_, string, ts_plain);
  timestamptz_literal      constant text          not null := format(timestamptz_literal_, ts_plain, string);

  set_timezone_msg         constant text          not null := rpad(set_timezone            ||';', 61);
  timezone_invocation_msg  constant text          not null := rpad(timezone_invocation     ||';', 61);
  timestamptz_literal_msg  constant text          not null := rpad(timestamptz_literal     ||';', 61);

  occurrences              constant occurrences_t not null := occurrences(string);
  x := rpad(string||':', 20)                               ||
       'names_name: '    ||occurrences.names_name    ::text||' / '||
       'names_abbrev: '  ||occurrences.names_abbrev  ::text||' / '||
       'abbrevs_abbrev: '||occurrences.abbrevs_abbrev::text;                            return next;
  x := rpad('-', 90, '-');                                                              return next;

  -- "set timezone"
    execute set_timezone;
    x := set_timezone_msg||ok;                                                          return next;
  exception when invalid_parameter_value then
    x := set_timezone_msg||x1;                                                          return next;

  -- "at timezone"
    execute timezone_invocation into ts_tz;
    x := timezone_invocation_msg||ok;                                                   return next;
  exception when invalid_parameter_value then
    x := timezone_invocation_msg||x1;                                                   return next;

    execute timestamptz_literal into ts_tz;
    x := timestamptz_literal_msg||ok;                                                   return next;
  exception when invalid_datetime_format then
    x := timestamptz_literal_msg||x2;                                                   return next;

Test it for a selection of strings:

select x from legal_scopes_for_syntax_context('WEST');
select x from legal_scopes_for_syntax_context('America/New_York');
select x from legal_scopes_for_syntax_context('XJT');
select x from legal_scopes_for_syntax_context('MST');

These are the results

 WEST:               names_name: false / names_abbrev: true / abbrevs_abbrev: false
 set timezone = 'WEST';                                       > invalid_parameter_value
 select timezone('WEST', '2021-06-07 12:00:00');              > invalid_parameter_value
 select '2021-06-07 12:00:00 WEST'::timestamptz;              > invalid_datetime_format


 America/New_York:   names_name: true / names_abbrev: false / abbrevs_abbrev: false
 set timezone = 'America/New_York';                           > OK
 select timezone('America/New_York', '2021-06-07 12:00:00');  > OK
 select '2021-06-07 12:00:00 America/New_York'::timestamptz;  > OK


 XJT:                names_name: false / names_abbrev: false / abbrevs_abbrev: true
 set timezone = 'XJT';                                        > invalid_parameter_value
 select timezone('XJT', '2021-06-07 12:00:00');               > OK
 select '2021-06-07 12:00:00 XJT'::timestamptz;               > OK


 MST:                names_name: true / names_abbrev: true / abbrevs_abbrev: true
 set timezone = 'MST';                                        > OK
 select timezone('MST', '2021-06-07 12:00:00');               > OK
 select '2021-06-07 12:00:00 MST'::timestamptz;               > OK