Save this script as do_clean_start.sql.

-- Get a clean start.
-- These tables will store some query results so that, with
-- all these in a single table, it is easy to use
-- SQL to compare results from different tests.

set client_min_messages = warning;
drop table if exists dp_results cascade;
create table dp_results(
  method  text              not null,
  bucket  int               not null,
  n       int               not null,
  min_s   double precision  not null,
  max_s   double precision  not null,

  constraint dp_results_pk primary key(method, bucket));

drop table if exists int_results cascade;
create table int_results(
  method  text              not null,
  bucket  int               not null,
  n       int               not null,
  min_s   double precision  not null,
  max_s   double precision  not null,

  constraint int_results_pk primary key(method, bucket));