GIN indexes

Explore GIN indexes using YSQL
This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).

In YugabyteDB, tables and secondary indexes are both key-value stores internally. Loosely speaking:

  • A table's internal key-value store maps primary keys to the remaining columns.
  • A secondary index's internal key-value store maps index keys to primary keys.

Regular indexes index columns.

This makes queries with conditions on the columns more efficient. For example, if you had a regular index on a single int array column (currently not possible in YSQL), queries such as WHERE myintarray = '{1,3,6}' would be more efficient when using the index. However, queries like WHERE myintarray @> '{3}' (meaning "is 3 an element of myintarray?") would not benefit from the regular index.

Generalized inverted indexes (GIN indexes) index elements inside container columns.

This makes queries with conditions on elements inside the columns more efficient. The preceding example would benefit from a GIN index because you can look up the key 3 in the gin index.

Compatible types

GIN indexes can only be created over a few types:

  • A GIN index on a tsvector column indexes text elements
  • A GIN index on an array column indexes array elements
  • A GIN index on a jsonb column indexes keys/values

You can use extensions to support more types. However, extension support is still in progress:

  • btree_gin: unsupported
  • hstore: supported
  • intarray: unsupported
  • pg_trgm: supported



Create the index using USING ybgin to specify the index access method:

CREATE INDEX ON mytable USING ybgin (mycol);

The gin access method is reserved for temporary relations while ybgin is for Yugabyte-backed relations. You can still specify USING gin, and, if mytable is not a temporary table, it will be automatically substituted for ybgin.

GIN indexes can't be unique, so CREATE UNIQUE INDEX is not allowed.


Writes are fully supported.


Only certain SELECTs use the GIN index.

Changes from PostgreSQL

YugabyteDB GIN indexes are somewhat different from PostgreSQL GIN indexes:

  • PostgreSQL uses bitmap index scan, while YugabyteDB uses index scan.
  • In YugabyteDB, deletes to the index are written explicitly. This is due to storage-layer architecture differences and is also true for regular indexes.
  • YugabyteDB doesn't support fast update, as it isn't practical for a distributed, log-structured database.
  • YugabyteDB doesn't yet support fuzzy search limit.


Before you start

The examples will run on a single-node local YugabyteDB universe.
To create a universe, see Set up YugabyteDB universe.

  1. Set up the tables, indexes, and data.

    CREATE TABLE vectors (v tsvector, k serial PRIMARY KEY);
    CREATE TABLE arrays (a int[], k serial PRIMARY KEY);
    CREATE TABLE jsonbs (j jsonb, k serial PRIMARY KEY);
    -- Use NONCONCURRENTLY since there is no risk of online ops.
        (to_tsvector('simple', 'the quick brown fox')),
        (to_tsvector('simple', 'jumps over the')),
        (to_tsvector('simple', 'lazy dog'));
    -- Add some filler rows to make sequential scan more costly.
    INSERT INTO vectors SELECT to_tsvector('simple', 'filler') FROM generate_series(1, 1000);
    INSERT INTO arrays SELECT '{0}' FROM generate_series(1, 1000);
        ('{"some":{"nested":"jsonb"}, "and":["another","element","not","a","number"]}');
    INSERT INTO jsonbs SELECT '"filler"' FROM generate_series(1, 1000);


The following examples show the speed improvement of queries using GIN indexes.

GIN indexes currently support IndexScan only, not IndexOnlyScan. The difference is that IndexScan uses the results of a scan to the index for filtering on the indexed table, whereas an IndexOnlyScan need not go to the indexed table because the results from the index are sufficient. Therefore, a GIN index scan can be more costly than a sequential scan straight to the main table if the index scan does not filter out many rows.

Because cost estimates currently aren't very accurate, the more costly index scan may be chosen in some cases.

The assumption in the following examples is that you are using the GIN index in ways that take advantage of it.

  1. Enable timing for future queries.

    \timing on
  2. Test GIN index on tsvector as follows:

    SET enable_indexscan = off;
    SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'the');
    -- Run it once more to reduce cache bias.
    SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'the');
                      v                  | k
    'brown':3 'fox':4 'quick':2 'the':1 | 1
    'jumps':1 'over':2 'the':3          | 2
    (2 rows)
    Time: 11.141 ms
    SET enable_indexscan = on;
    SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'the');
    SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'the');
    Time: 2.838 ms

    Notice the over 3x timing improvement when using GIN index. This is on a relatively small table: a little over 1000 rows. With more and/or bigger rows, the timing improvement should get better.

  3. Use a GIN index on an int array as follows:

    SET enable_indexscan = off;
    SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a @> '{6}';
    SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a @> '{6}';
        a    | k
    {1,1,6} | 1
    {1,6,1} | 2
    {2,3,6} | 3
    (3 rows)
    Time: 9.501 ms
    SET enable_indexscan = on;
    SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a @> '{6}';
    SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a @> '{6}';
    Time: 2.989 ms
  4. Use a GIN index on with JSONB as follows:

    SET enable_indexscan = off;
    SELECT * FROM jsonbs WHERE j ? 'some';
    SELECT * FROM jsonbs WHERE j ? 'some';
                                             j                                          | k
     {"some": ["where", "how"]}                                                         | 5
     {"and": ["another", "element", "not", "a", "number"], "some": {"nested": "jsonb"}} | 6
     {"some": "thing"}                                                                  | 4
     {"some": "body"}                                                                   | 2
     {"some": "one"}                                                                    | 3
    (5 rows)
    Time: 13.451 ms
    SET enable_indexscan = on;
    SELECT * FROM jsonbs WHERE j ? 'some';
    SELECT * FROM jsonbs WHERE j ? 'some';
    Time: 2.115 ms

Using opclass jsonb_path_ops

By default, JSONB GIN indexes use the opclass jsonb_ops. Another opclass, jsonb_path_ops, can be used instead.

The difference is the way they extract elements out of a JSONB. jsonb_ops extracts keys and values and encodes them as <flag_byte><value>. For example, '{"abc":[123,true]}' maps to three GIN keys: \001abc, \004123, \003t. The flag bytes here indicate the types key, numeric, and boolean, respectively.

On the other hand, jsonb_path_ops extracts hashed paths. Using the above example, there are two paths: "abc" -> 123 and "abc" -> true. Then, there are two GIN keys based on those paths using an internal hashing mechanism: -1570777299, -1227915239.

jsonb_path_ops is better suited for queries involving paths, such as the jsonb @> jsonb operator. However, it doesn't support as many operators as jsonb_ops. If write performance and storage aren't an issue, it may be worth creating a GIN index of each jsonb opclass so that reads can choose the faster one.


By default, ybgin indexes use a single range-partitioned tablet. Like regular tables and indexes, it is possible to presplit a ybgin index to multiple tablets at specified split points. These split points are for the index, so they need to be represented in the index key format. This is simple for tsvector and array types, but it gets complicated for JSONB and text (pg_trgm). jsonb_path_ops especially should use hash partitioning as the index key is itself a hash, but hash partitioning ybgin indexes is currently unsupported.

CREATE INDEX NONCONCURRENTLY vectors_split_idx ON vectors USING ybgin (v) SPLIT AT VALUES (('j'), ('o'));
CREATE INDEX NONCONCURRENTLY arrays_split_idx ON arrays USING ybgin (a) SPLIT AT VALUES ((2), (3), (5));
CREATE INDEX NONCONCURRENTLY jsonbs_split_idx1 ON jsonbs USING ybgin (j) SPLIT AT VALUES ((E'\001some'), (E'\005jsonb'));
CREATE INDEX NONCONCURRENTLY jsonbs_split_idx2 ON jsonbs USING ybgin (j jsonb_path_ops) SPLIT AT VALUES ((-1000000000), (0), (1000000000));

The remainder of the example focuses on just one index, jsonbs_split_idx1.

First, check how the index is partitioned.

./bin/yb-admin \
  --master_addresses,, \
  list_tablets ysql.yugabyte jsonbs_split_idx1
Tablet-UUID                       Range                                                                               Leader-IP         Leader-UUID
43b2a0f0dac44018b60eebeee489e391  partition_key_start: "" partition_key_end: "S\001some\000\000!"             2702ace451fe46bd81dd2a19ea539163
c32e1066cefb449cb191ff23d626125f  partition_key_start: "S\001some\000\000!" partition_key_end: "S\005jsonb\000\000!"  3a80acb8df5d45e38b388ffdc17a59e0
ba23b657eb5b4bc891ca794bcad06db7  partition_key_start: "S\005jsonb\000\000!" partition_key_end: ""            e24423119e734860bb0c3516df948b5c

Then, check the data in each partition. Flush it to SST files so that you can read them with sst_dump.

Ignore lines with "filler" because there are too many of them. !! refers to the previous list_tablets command. Adjust it if it doesn't work in your shell.

./bin/yb-admin \
  --master_addresses,, \
  flush_table ysql.yugabyte jsonbs_split_idx1
while read -r tablet_id; do
  bin/sst_dump \
    --command=scan \
    --output_format=decoded_regulardb \
    --file=$(find ${HOME}/var/node1/data/yb-data/tserver/data \
               -name tablet-"$tablet_id") \
  | grep -v filler
done <<(!! \
        | tail -n +2 \
        | awk '{print$1}')
from [] to []
Process ${HOME}/var/node1/data/yb-data/tserver/data/rocksdb/table-000033c000003000800000000000401d/tablet-43b2a0f0dac44018b60eebeee489e391/000010.sst
Sst file format: block-based
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01a", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x1210, [1], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 73 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107937571 w: 73 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01a", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 315 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 142 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01and", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 316 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 143 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01another", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 317 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 144 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01element", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 318 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 145 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01how", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x0a73, [5], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 46 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107937571 w: 46 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01nested", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 319 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 146 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01not", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 320 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 147 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01number", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x1210, [1], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 74 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107937571 w: 74 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01number", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 321 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107947022 w: 148 }
from [] to []
Process ${HOME}/var/node1/data/yb-data/tserver/data/rocksdb/table-000033c000003000800000000000401d/tablet-c32e1066cefb449cb191ff23d626125f/000010.sst
Sst file format: block-based
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01some", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x0a73, [5], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107935594 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01some", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 3 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107944604 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01some", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x9eaf, [4], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 4 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107961642 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01some", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0xc0c4, [2], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 5 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107973196 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01some", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0xfca0, [3], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 7 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107973196 w: 2 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x01where", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x0a73, [5], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 1 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107935594 w: 1 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x045", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x1210, [1], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 2 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107935594 w: 2 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x05body", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0xc0c4, [2], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 6 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107973196 w: 1 }
from [] to []
Process ${HOME}/var/node1/data/yb-data/tserver/data/rocksdb/table-000033c000003000800000000000401d/tablet-ba23b657eb5b4bc891ca794bcad06db7/000010.sst
Sst file format: block-based
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x05jsonb", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x4e58, [6], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107944677 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x05one", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0xfca0, [3], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 2 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107974363 }
SubDocKey(DocKey([], ["\x05thing", EncodedSubDocKey(DocKey(0x9eaf, [4], []), [])]), [SystemColumnId(0); HT{ physical: 1636678107997627 w: 1 }]) -> null; intent doc ht: HT{ physical: 1636678107961628 }


GIN indexes are still in progress: see the GIN roadmap tracking GitHub issue for more details.


GIN indexes are in active development, and currently have the following limitations:

  • Multi-column GIN indexes are not currently supported. (#10652)
  • You can't yet specify ASC, DESC, or HASH sort methods. The default is ASC for prefix match purposes, so this can be relaxed in the future. (#10653)
  • UPDATEs may be expensive, as they're currently implemented as DELETE + INSERT.
  • SELECT operations have the following limitations:
    • Scans with non-default search mode aren't currently supported.

    • Scans can't ask for more than one index key.

      For example, a request for all rows whose array contains elements 1 or 3 will fail, but one that asks for elements 1 and 3 can succeed by choosing one of the elements for index scan and rechecking the entire condition later.

      However, the choice between 1 and 3 is currently unoptimized, so 3 may be chosen even though 1 corresponds to less rows.

    • Recheck is always done rather than on a case-by-case basis, meaning there can be an unnecessary performance penalty.

If a query is unsupported, you can disable index scan to avoid an error message (SET enable_indexscan TO off;) before the query, and re-enable it (SET enable_indexscan TO on;) afterwards. In the near future, cost estimates should route such queries to sequential scan.

Unsupported queries

Sometimes, an unsupported query may be encountered by getting an ERROR. The following sections describe some workarounds for some of these cases.

More than one required scan entry

Perhaps the most common issue would be "cannot use more than one required scan entry". This means that the GIN index scan internally tries to fetch more than one index key. Because this is currently not supported, it throws an ERROR.

RESET enable_indexscan;

SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick | lazy');
ERROR:  unsupported ybgin index scan
DETAIL:  ybgin index method cannot use more than one required scan entry: got 2.
Time: 2.885 ms

One way to get around this is to use OR outside the tsquery:

SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick')
                      OR v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'lazy');
                  v                  | k
 'brown':3 'fox':4 'quick':2 'the':1 | 1
 'dog':2 'lazy':1                    | 3
(2 rows)

Time: 10.169 ms

However, this doesn't use the index:

SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick')
                      OR v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'lazy');
                              QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on vectors  (cost=0.00..105.00 rows=1000 width=36)
   Filter: ((v @@ '''quick'''::tsquery) OR (v @@ '''lazy'''::tsquery))
(2 rows)

Time: 1.050 ms

Another way that does use the index is UNION:

SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick') UNION
SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'lazy');
                                                  QUERY PLAN
 Unique  (cost=163.76..178.76 rows=2000 width=36)
   ->  Sort  (cost=163.76..168.76 rows=2000 width=36)
         Sort Key: vectors.v, vectors.k
         ->  Append  (cost=4.00..54.10 rows=2000 width=36)
               ->  Index Scan using vectors_v_idx on vectors  (cost=4.00..12.05 rows=1000 width=36)
                     Index Cond: (v @@ '''quick'''::tsquery)
               ->  Index Scan using vectors_v_idx on vectors vectors_1  (cost=4.00..12.05 rows=1000 width=36)
                     Index Cond: (v @@ '''lazy'''::tsquery)
(8 rows)

Time: 1.143 ms
SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick') UNION
SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'lazy');
                  v                  | k
 'dog':2 'lazy':1                    | 3
 'brown':3 'fox':4 'quick':2 'the':1 | 1
(2 rows)

Time: 5.559 ms

If performance doesn't matter, the universal fix is to disable index scan so that sequential scan is used. For sequential scan to be chosen, make sure that sequential scan is not also disabled.

SET enable_indexscan = off;
SELECT * FROM vectors WHERE v @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'quick | lazy');
                  v                  | k
 'brown':3 'fox':4 'quick':2 'the':1 | 1
 'dog':2 'lazy':1                    | 3
(2 rows)

Time: 11.188 ms

Notice that the modified query using the index is still 2x faster than the original query to the main table.

Non-default search mode

All search modes/strategies besides the default one are currently unsupported.

Many of these are best off using a sequential scan. In fact, the query planner avoids many of these types of index scans by increasing the cost, leading to sequential scan being chosen as the better alternative. Nevertheless, the following examples show some cases that hit the ERROR.

RESET enable_indexscan;
\timing off

SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a = '{}';
ERROR:  unsupported ybgin index scan
DETAIL:  ybgin index method does not support non-default search mode: include-empty.
SELECT * FROM arrays WHERE a <@ '{6,1,1,null}';
ERROR:  unsupported ybgin index scan
DETAIL:  ybgin index method does not support non-default search mode: include-empty.

There's currently no choice but to use a sequential scan on these.