Partition manager extension EARLY ACCESS
PostgreSQL Partition Manager (pg_partman) is an extension to create and manage both time-based and serial-based table partition sets. pg_partman simplifies managing table partitions based on time or serial IDs, automating their creation and maintenance. While it includes many options, only a few are typically needed, making it user-friendly.
Partitioning in YugabyteDB refers to physically dividing large tables into smaller, more manageable tables to improve performance. Typically, tables with columns containing timestamps are subject to partitioning because of the historical and predictable nature of their data.
YugabyteDB fully supports pg_partman, with some minor limitations due to its distributed nature that don't hinder partition management.
Enable pg_partman
Enable the pg_partman extension separately for each database.
To enable pg_partman for a specific database, create the partition maintenance schema (by default the public
schema is selected), and then create the pg_partman extension. For example:
Use pg_partman
To demonstrate its use, create the following sample database table, orders
, partitioned based on a timestamp column:
order_id SERIAL,
order_date DATE NOT NULL,
customer_id INT
) PARTITION BY RANGE (order_date);
create_parent function
After you enable pg_partman, use the create_parent()
function to set up table partitions. This function allows you to configure partitions in the schema designated for partition maintenance.
Use the create_parent()
function as follows:
SELECT partman.create_parent(
p_parent_table => 'public.orders',
p_control => 'order_date',
p_type => 'native',
p_interval => 'monthly',
p_premake => 5
p_parent_table - Parent partitioned table.
p_control - Column on which table partitioning is done. Must be an integer or time-based.
p_type - Either 'native' or 'partman'.
- native - Use the native partitioning methods that are built into PostgreSQL 10+.
- partman - Create a trigger-based partition set; this is not available in YugabyteDB.
p_interval – The time interval or integer range for each partition. For example, daily, hourly, monthly, and so on.
p_premake – The number of partitions to create in advance to support new inserts.
part_config table
The part_config
table stores all configuration data for partition sets managed by pg_partman. A new row for the partition table is added after calling the create_parent() function.
The part_config
table can be used to make decisions about:
- What new partitions to create.
- Which old partitions to drop or detach from the partition set.
- What table updates are required.
An example is as follows:
SELECT parent_table, control, partition_interval, premake, retention FROM partman.part_config;
parent_table | control | partition_interval | premake | retention
public.orders | order_date | 1 mon | 5 |
You can update the part_config
table as follows:
UPDATE partman.part_config
SET partition_interval = 2 months
WHERE parent_table = 'public.orders';
Maintain partitions using pg_cron
pg_cron is a cron-based job scheduler for PostgreSQL that runs inside a database as an extension.
You can schedule the pg_partman run_maintenance()
function, which automatically creates child tables and drops old child partitions, using pg_cron. For example:
Load the pg_cron extension as follows:
Update the
table retention-related fields as follows:UPDATE partman.part_config SET retention = '3 months', retention_keep_table=true WHERE parent_table = 'public.orders';
- retention - Sets the maximum retention for the table.
- retention_keep_table - When set to true, specifies that the table is only detached from the partition set and isn't deleted automatically.
Schedule the
call using thecron.schedule
procedure as follows:SELECT cron.schedule( 'Run maintenance job', '10 seconds', 'SELECT partman.run_maintenance()' );
Monitor the scheduled maintenance job by querying the
table as follows:SELECT jobid, schedule, command, jobname FROM cron.job;
jobid | schedule | command | jobname -------+------------+----------------------------------+----------+------------- 1 | 10 seconds | SELECT partman.run_maintenance() | Run maintenance job
The pg_partman extension has the following limitations in YugabyteDB.
These limitations ensure that pg_partman features align with the capabilities and architecture of YugabyteDB, maintaining system performance and stability. You should adjust your use of partitioning strategies accordingly to adhere to these constraints.
Supported partitioning methods
Only native partitioning is supported in YugabyteDB. Non-native partitioning, which uses table inheritance and triggers to route data to the appropriate child tables, is not supported because YugabyteDB does not support table inheritance.
Versions of pg_partman later than v4.7.4 have deprecated non-native partitioning, so migrating partition sets from non-native to native partitioning methods can be challenging.
The following example shows an unsupported operation using non-native partitioning:
order_id SERIAL,
order_date DATE NOT NULL,
customer_id INT
) PARTITION BY RANGE (order_date);
order_id SERIAL,
order_date DATE NOT NULL,
customer_id INT
) PARTITION BY RANGE (order_date);
SELECT partman.create_parent( p_parent_table => 'public.orders',
p_control => 'order_date',
p_type => 'partman',
p_interval =>'monthly',
p_premake => 5
ERROR: partman is not a valid partitioning type for pg_partman
The pg_partman create_parent()
function requires an access exclusive lock on the parent table to create new child partitions. Currently, access exclusive locks are not supported in YugabyteDB, and are disabled in this function.
Advisory locks, used in some pg_partman functions to create, drop/delete partitioned tables, are not supported in YugabyteDB. Attempts to acquire these locks are disabled.
Background worker process
The pg_partman background worker process, which automates partition maintenance without the need of an external scheduler, is disabled in favor of using pg_cron to manage such tasks externally.
undo_partition function
The undo_partition()
function, which moves data from child tables back to a target table, is disabled.
As part of undo_partition()
, all data from child partitions is moved out to the target table and after that the child table is detached from the parent table. This is done in an iterative manner, looping through each child.
is disabled because YugabyteDB does not currently support transactional DDL operations (the DMLs (deleting data from child tables) and DDLs (detaching child tables) will cause conflicts), which are required for this functionality.
For example:
SELECT partman.undo_partition(p_parent_table => 'public.orders');
ERROR: undo_partition not supported yet in YugabyteDB
Default partition creation
Creation and use of default partitions are disabled. If a default partition is created, partition_data_proc
and run_maintenance()
operations will exit early without performing any operation.
For example:
SELECT partman.create_parent( p_parent_table => 'public.orders',
p_control => 'order_date',
p_type => 'native',
p_interval =>'monthly',
p_premake => 5
(1 row)
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | orders | partitioned table | yugabyte
public | orders_order_id_seq | sequence | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_06 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_07 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_08 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_09 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_10 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_11 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2024_12 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2025_01 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2025_02 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2025_03 | table | yugabyte
public | orders_p2025_04 | table | yugabyte
(13 rows)
No default partition created
If you try to create a default partition explicitly and call run_maintenance()
, the run maintenance job is skipped as follows:
SELECT partman.run_maintenance('public.orders');
NOTICE: Skip run maintenace job for table public.orders as it has default table attached
(1 row)
Colocated databases
Registration of a partitioned table for maintenance by pg_partman is not allowed if the table belongs to a colocated database.
For example:
yugabyte=# CREATE DATABASE mo WITH colocation=true;
yugabyte=# \c mo
mo=# SELECT create_parent( p_parent_table => 'public.orders',
p_control => 'order_date',
p_type => 'native',
p_interval =>'monthly',
p_premake => 5);
mo=# CREATE extension pg_partman;
mo=# SELECT create_parent( p_parent_table => 'public.orders',
p_control => 'order_date',
p_type => 'native',
p_interval =>'monthly',
p_premake => 5);
ERROR: Partition table public.orders is a colocated table hence registering it to pg_partman maintenance is not supported