Use query diagnostics to capture and export detailed diagnostic information across multiple dimensions, and use this information to identify and resolve database query problems.

Query diagnostics collects data about a particular query, over several executions of the query, over the duration of a specified diagnostics interval. It also manages in-flight requests during this interval, and transfers the collected data to the file system for storage and future analysis.

Query diagnostics collects the following information:

  • Bind variables and constants
  • PostgreSQL statement statistics
  • Schema details
  • Active Session History
  • Explain plans

Enable query diagnostics

Query diagnostics is TP . To use query diagnostics, enable and configure the following flags for each node of your cluster.

Flag Description
allowed_preview_flags_csv Set the value of this flag to include ysql_yb_enable_query_diagnostics.
ysql_yb_enable_query_diagnostics Enable or disable query diagnostics.
Default: false. Changing this flag requires a VM restart.
yb_query_diagnostics_circular_buffer_size Size (in KB) of query diagnostics circular buffer that stores statuses of bundles.
Default: 64. Changing this flag requires a VM restart.

Export diagnostics

Use the pg_stat_statements view to obtain the queryid of a query of interest.

To initiate query diagnostics, you use the yb_query_diagnostics() function, providing the queryid.

For example:

SELECT yb_query_diagnostics(
    query_id => 7317833532428971166,
    explain_sample_rate => 5,
    diagnostics_interval_sec => 120,
    explain_analyze => true,
    explain_dist => true,
    bind_var_query_min_duration_ms => 10
(1 row)

This exports diagnostics for the query with the specified ID, for a duration of 120 seconds, and includes EXPLAIN(ANALYZE, DIST) plans for 5% of all queries observed during this time frame. It also dumps constants/bind variables for queries that took more than 10ms.

To cancel a running query diagnostic, use the yb_cancel_query_diagnostics() function.

For example:

SELECT yb_cancel_query_diagnostics(query_id => 7317833532428971166);


Parameter Description Default
query_id Required. A unique identifier for the query used to identify identical normalized queries. You can obtain query IDs using the pg_stat_statements view. This is also the same as the query_id in the yb_active_session_history.
diagnostics_interval_sec The duration for which the bundle will run, in seconds. 300
explain_sample_rate You can export the output of the EXPLAIN command for a randomly selected percentage (1-100) of queries that are running during the diagnostics interval. 1
explain_analyze Enhance the EXPLAIN plan output with planning and execution data. Note that this data is gathered during query execution itself, and the query is not re-executed. false
explain_dist Log distributed data in the EXPLAIN plan. explain_analyze must be set to true. false

Check diagnostic status

Use the yb_query_diagnostics_status view to check the status of previously executed query diagnostic bundles.

Column Description
query_id Hash code to identify identical normalized queries.
start_time Timestamp when the bundle was triggered.
diagnostics_interval_sec The duration for which the bundle will run.
explain_params Flags used to gather EXPLAIN plans.
bind_var_query_min_duration_ms The minimum query duration for logging bind variables.
folder_path File system path where the data for this bundle has been dumped.
state The state of the diagnostic - Completed, In Progress, or Failed.
status In case of a failure, a short description of the type of failure.


When the specified diagnostic interval has elapsed, query diagnostics outputs the data to files in the following directory:


To locate your data directory, run SHOW data_directory in ysqlsh.


Provides details of the executed bind variables when the specified query ID corresponds to a prepared statement. Otherwise, provides the constants embedded in the query. Additionally, it includes the time of each execution along with the bind variable. Using the bind_var_query_min_duration_ms parameter, you can log only those bind variables that take more than a specified duration.

Output file: constants_and_bind_variables.csv

For example:

| var1  | var2 | var3     | query_time |
| 19146 | 9008 | 'text_1' | 12.323     |


Presents aggregated pg_stat_statements data spanning the diagnostics interval of query diagnostics for the specified query ID.

Output file: pg_stat_statements.csv

For more information, see Get query statistics using pg_stat_statements.

Schema information

Provides information about the columns and indexes associated with unique tables mentioned in the query being diagnosed.

The output is the same as that obtained using the \d+ meta-command.

Output file: schema_details.txt

For example, the following query would generate schema details as follows:

    b > 0;
Table name: test_table1
- Table information:
|Table Name         |Table Groupname |Colocated |
|public.test_table1 |                |false     |

- Columns:
|Column |Type             |Collation |Nullable |Default |Storage  |Stats Target |Description |
|a      |text             |          |         |        |extended |             |            |
|b      |integer          |          |         |        |plain    |             |            |
|c      |double precision |          |         |        |plain    |             |            |

Active session history

Outputs the data from the yb_active_session_history view, for the diagnostics interval. You can later import the table in SQL and query it to get data for only the specified query ID.

Output file: active_session_history.csv

For more information on active session history, see Active Session History.

Explain plans

Provides the output of the EXPLAIN command for a randomly selected subset of queries.

Normally, all data is written to the file system when the diagnositcs interval has expired. However, if the explain data being gathered exceeds the internal buffer size, query diagnostics will flush the data to the file system to make room for data from further queries.

Output file: explain_plan.txt

For example:

Insert on n  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=9.114..9.114 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=1 loops=1)
         Storage Table Write Requests: 1
 Planning Time: 0.142 ms
 Execution Time: 9.294 ms
 Storage Read Requests: 0
 Storage Rows Scanned: 0
 Storage Write Requests: 1
 Catalog Read Requests: 0
 Catalog Write Requests: 0
 Storage Flush Requests: 0
 Storage Execution Time: 0.000 ms
 Peak Memory Usage: 24 kB
(13 rows)
Insert on n  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=9.114..9.114 rows=0 loops=1)
   ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=44) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=1 loops=1)
         Storage Table Write Requests: 1
 Planning Time: 0.142 ms
 Execution Time: 9.294 ms
 Storage Read Requests: 0
 Storage Rows Scanned: 0
 Storage Write Requests: 1
 Catalog Read Requests: 0
 Catalog Write Requests: 0
 Storage Flush Requests: 0
 Storage Execution Time: 0.000 ms
 Peak Memory Usage: 24 kB
(13 rows)

For more information about using EXPLAIN, see Analyze queries with EXPLAIN.


  • Multiple diagnostic bundles can be triggered concurrently for different queries; however, only one bundle can run at a time for a single query ID.

  • Query diagnostics is available per node and is not aggregated across the cluster.

  • Schema details can export a maximum 10 unique schemas in the query.

  • You cannot have more than 100 simultaneous query diagnostic operations.

  • The feature is designed to minimize its impact on query latency. However, operations like EXPLAIN ANALYZE and I/O tasks may affect the data being analyzed.

  • Memory consumption may increase as data is stored in memory before being flushed to disk. Memory consumption while accumulating data is as follows:

    num_queries_diagnosed * (mem_explain + mem_bind_var + mem_schema_details + mem_ash + mem_pg_stat_statements)


    • num_queries_diagnosed ≤ 100 bytes
    • mem_explain ≤ 16 kb
    • mem_bind_var ≤ 2 kb
    • mem_pg_stat_statements ≤ 1 kb
  • Folders generated by query diagnostics are not cleaned up automatically.

  • If any query has more than 16384 chars in explain_plan, then it is not dumped. See issue 23720.

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