Live Queries dashboard

View live queries running on your universe
This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).

Use the Live Queries dashboard to monitor and display current running queries on your YugabyteDB universes. You can use this data to do the following:

  • Visually identify relevant database operations.
  • Evaluate query execution times.
  • Discover potential queries for performance optimization.

All user roles — Super Admin, Admin, and Read-only — are granted permissions to use the Live Queries dashboard.

Note that there is no significant performance overhead on databases because the queries are fetched on-demand and are not tracked in the background.

The following table describes the Live Queries column values.

Column Description
Node Name The YB-TServer node name generated by YugabyteDB Anywhere.
Private IP The IP address of the database node.
DB Name / Keyspace The YCQL keyspace or YSQL database used by the query.
Session status
(YSQL only)
The YSQL session status: idle, active, idle in transaction, fastpath function call, idle in transaction (aborted), or disabled.
Query The query command.
select * from my_keyspace.my_table
Query Start / Elapsed Time The duration (in milliseconds) of the query handling.
(YCQL only)
Shows the YCQL query type: PREPARE, EXECUTE, QUERY, or BATCH
Client Name
(YSQL only)
The client name used to execute the query.
Client Host The address of the client that sent this query.
Client Port The port of the client that sent this query.

You can use the Live Queries dashboard as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Universes, select your universe, then select Queries, and then select YSQL from Show live queries on the right, as per the following illustration:

    Select API type

    If you change the Show live queries selection to YCQL, the column headers change and the data is refreshed, as per the following illustration:

    Changing drop-down selection

  2. Click the search bar to trigger the display of the column filter options to be able to use a query language for filtering data based on certain fields, as per the following illustration:

    Search drop-down

    You can add multiple search terms that are applied as an intersection. In the following example, adding Node Name filters for all rows with a name containing puppy-food and have a UniqueSecondaryIndex in one of the data cells:

    Multiple filters

    You can use filtering for comparisons on numbers columns (Elapsed Time) using >, >=, <, and <= to search for values that are greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, and less than or equal to another value (Elapsed Time: < 50). You can also use the range syntax n..n to search for values within a range, where the first number n is the lowest value and the second n is the highest value. The range syntax supports tokens like the following: n..* which is equivalent to >= n. Or *..n which is the same as <= n.

  3. Click on a row to open a sidebar with a full view of the query statement, along with all the column data, as per the following illustration:

    View query statement

    You can also find additional prefiltered navigation links from different pages to the Live Queries page. For example, from the Metrics page to the Queries page, when a node is selected from the list, as per the following illustration:

    Metrics page showing link

    Or from the Nodes page to the Live Queries page, with the specific node prefiltered, as per the following illustration:

    Nodes page showing link