When deploying database clusters using an on-premises provider, YugabyteDB Anywhere relies on you to manually create the VMs and provide these pre-created VMs to YugabyteDB Anywhere.

With the on-premises provider, you must provide one, three, five, or more VM(s) with the following installed:

How to prepare the nodes for use in a database cluster

After you have created the VMs with the operating system and additional software, you must further prepare the VMs as follows:

  1. Download the YugabyteDB Anywhere node agent package to the VM.
  2. Modify the configuration file.
  3. Run the provisioning script (as root or via sudo).

These steps prepare the node for use by YugabyteDB Anywhere. If you have already installed YugabyteDB Anywhere and it is running, the last step additionally creates (or updates) an on-premises provider with the node already added.

Root or sudo privileges are only required to provision the nodes. After the node is provisioned (with YugabyteDB Anywhere node agent installed), sudo is no longer required.

Download the package

To begin, download the YugabyteDB Anywhere node agent package to the node you want to provision.

Use the API

If you have already installed YugabyteDB Anywhere and it is running, you can download the node agent package from YugabyteDB Anywhere using the Download node agent API.

curl -k https://<yba_address>/api/v1/node_agents/download\?downloadType\=package\&os\=LINUX\&arch\=AMD64 --fail --header 'X-AUTH-YW-API-TOKEN: <api_token>'  > node-agent.tar.gz
  • <yba_address> is the address of your YugabyteDB Anywhere installation.
  • <api_token> is an API token you created. For information on creating an API token, refer to API authentication.
  • You can change the architecture from AMD64 to ARM64 as appropriate.

Use this method if you don't have internet connectivity. This downloads the same version of node agent as the version of YugabyteDB Anywhere you are running.

Extract the package and go to the scripts directory.

tar -xvzf node-agent.tar.gz && cd

Direct download

Alternatively, the node agent package is included in the YBA Installer package. Download and extract the YBA Installer by entering the following commands:

wget https://downloads.yugabyte.com/releases/
tar -xf yba_installer_full-
cd yba_installer_full-

Extract the yugabundle package:

tar -xf yugabundle-
cd yugabyte-

Extract the node agent package and go to the scripts directory:

tar -xf node_agent- && cd


tar -xf node_agent- && cd

Create data directories or mount points

Configure data directories or mount points for the node (typically /data). If you have multiple data drives, these might be for example /mnt/d0, /mnt/d1, and so on. The data drives must be accessible to the yugabyte user that will be created by the script.

Modify the configuration file

Edit the node-agent-provision.yaml file in the scripts directory.

Set the following options in the provisioning file to the correct values:

Option Value
yb_home_dir The directory on the node where YugabyteDB will be installed.
chrony_servers The addresses of your Network Time Protocol servers.
yb_user_id Provide a UID to be used for the yugabyte user. The script creates the yugabyte user, and providing the same UID for each node ensures consistency across nodes.
is_airgap If you are performing an airgapped installation, set to true.
use_system_level_systemd Defaults to false (which uses user-level systemd for service management).
node_ip The fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the node you are provisioning. Must be accessible to other nodes.
tmp_directory The directory on the node to use for storing temporary files during provisioning.

Optionally, if YugabyteDB Anywhere is already installed and running, you can set the following options to have node agent conveniently create (or update) the on-premises provider configuration where you want to add the node.

Option Value
url The base URL of your YugabyteDB Anywhere instance.
customer_uuid Your customer ID. To view your customer ID, in YugabyteDB Anywhere, click the Profile icon in the top right corner of the window, and choose User Profile.
api_key Your API token. To obtain this, in YugabyteDB Anywhere, click the Profile icon in the top right corner of the window, and choose User Profile. Then click Generate Key.
node_name A name for the node.
node_external_fqdn The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the node, must be accessible from the YugabyteDB Anywhere server.

Enter the following on-premises provider configuration details. If the provider does not exist, node agent creates it; otherwise, it adds the node instance to the existing provider.

Option Value
provider name Name for the provider configuration (if new) or of the existing provider where you want to add the node.
region name Name of the region where the node is located. For example, us-west-1.
zone name Name of the zone where the node is located. For example, us-west-1a.
instance_type name Name of the instance type to use. If you are creating a new instance type, provide a name to be used internally to identify the type of VM. For example, for cloud provider VMs, you might name the instance type 'c5.large' for AWS, or 'n1-standard-4' for GCP.
cores The number of cores. Optional if the node is using an existing instance type.
memory_size The amount of memory (in GB) allocated to the instance. Optional if the node is using an existing instance type.
volume_size The size of the storage volume (in GB). Optional if the node is using an existing instance type.
mount_points List the mount points for data storage. This is where the data directories are mounted. You need to add the directories before running the script. Optional if the node is using an existing instance type.

The following options are used for logging the provisioning itself.

Option Value
logging level Set the logging level for the node provisioning.
logging directory Set the directory where node provisioning log files will be stored.
logging file Name of the node provisioning log file.

Run the provisioning script

  1. Run the preflight checks either as a root user, or via sudo as follows:

    sudo ./node-agent-provision.sh preflight_checks
  2. Address any issues highlighted by the preflight checks.

  3. When the preflight checks pass, run the script either as a root user, or via sudo as follows:

    sudo ./node-agent-provision.sh

The script provisions the node and installs node agent.

If specified, node agent creates the on-premises provider configuration; or, if the provider already exists, adds the instance to the provider.

After the node is provisioned, YugabyteDB Anywhere does not need sudo access to the node.

Next steps

If you did not provide details for the provider configuration, you will need to do the following:

  1. If the on-premises provider has not been created, create one.

    Refer to Create the provider configuration.

  2. Add the node to the provider.

    Refer to Add nodes to the on-premises provider.