Prerequisites for YBA

What you need to install YugabyteDB Anywhere

You can install YugabyteDB Anywhere (YBA) using the following methods:

Method Using Use If
YBA Installer yba-ctl CLI You are performing a new installation.
You are ready to migrate from a Replicated installation.
Replicated Docker containers Your installation already uses Replicated.
Kubernetes Helm chart You're deploying in Kubernetes.

All installation methods support installing YBA with and without (airgapped) Internet connectivity.

Licensing (such as a license file in the case of YBA Installer or Replicated, or appropriate repository access in the case of Kubernetes) may be required prior to installation. Contact Yugabyte Support for assistance.

Software requirements

  • You can install YugabyteDB Anywhere onto any x86 Linux operating system supported by YugabyteDB. YugabyteDB Anywhere doesn't support ARM architectures (but can be used to deploy universes to ARM-based nodes).

    YugabyteDB Anywhere may also work on other Linux distributions; contact your YugabyteDB support representative if you need added support.

  • Python v3.8 to 3.11 must be installed, and both python and python3 must point to Python 3. One way to achieve this is to use alternatives. For example:

    sudo yum install @python38 -y
    sudo alternatives --config python
    # choose Python 3.8 from list
    sudo alternatives --config python3
    # choose Python 3.8 from list
    python -V
    # output: Python 3.8.16
    python3 -V
    # output: Python 3.8.16


For production deployments, sudo permissions are required for some YBA Installer commands. (You can use YBA Installer without sudo access, but this is not recommended for production; refer to Non-sudo installation.)

If your sudo permissions are limited, add the following to the allowed list for root in the sudoers file:

/bin/mv, /usr/bin/find, /opt/yugabyte/software/*/pgsql/bin/createdb, /opt/yugabyte/software/*/pgsql/bin/initdb

In addition, add the following commands to the sudoers file:

/usr/bin/yba-ctl clean
./yba-ctl clean
/usr/bin/yba-ctl createBackup
./yba-ctl generate-config
/usr/bin/yba-ctl help
./yba-ctl help
./yba-ctl install
/usr/bin/yba-ctl license
./yba-ctl license
/usr/bin/yba-ctl log-bundle
/usr/bin/yba-ctl preflight
./yba-ctl preflight
/usr/bin/yba-ctl reconfigure
./yba-ctl replicated-migrate
/usr/bin/yba-ctl replicated-migrate
/usr/bin/yba-ctl restart
./yba-ctl restart
/usr/bin/yba-ctl restoreBackup
/usr/bin/yba-ctl start
./yba-ctl start
/usr/bin/yba-ctl status
./yba-ctl status
/usr/bin/yba-ctl stop
./yba-ctl stop
./yba-ctl upgrade
/usr/bin/yba-ctl version
./yba-ctl version

Hardware requirements

A node running YugabyteDB Anywhere is expected to meet the following requirements:

  • 4 cores
  • 8 GB memory
  • 215 GB disk space
  • x86 architecture


Ensure that the following ports are available:

  • 443 (HTTPS)
  • 5432 (PostgreSQL)
  • 9090 (Prometheus)

These are configurable. If custom ports are used, those must be available instead.

For more information on ports used by YugabyteDB, refer to Default ports.