Export data YCQL

This page documents a preview version. v2.23 Preview
Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only.
For production, use the latest stable version (v2024.1).

Bulk export is available for YugabyteDB's Cassandra-compatible YCQL API. To export data from a YugabyteDB or an Apache Cassandra table, you can use the cassandra-unloader tool.

A typical workflow is to start with creating a source YugabyteDB table and populate it with data, then exporting the data using the cassandra-unloader tool.

Create source table

The following example represents the schema of the destination YugabyteDB table:

USE load;

  user_id varchar,
  score1 double,
  score2 double,
  points int,
  object_id varchar,
   PRIMARY KEY (user_id));

Generate sample data

You can generate data by executing a Python script, as per the following example:

# sample usage:
#  To generate a 10GB (10240 MB) file.
#  % python gen_csv.py <outfile_name> <outfile_size_MB>
#  % python gen_csv.py file01.csv 10240
import numpy as np
import uuid
import csv
import os
import sys
outfile    = sys.argv[1] # output file name
outsize_mb = int(sys.argv[2])
print("Outfile = " + outfile)
print("Outfile Size (MB) = " + str(outsize_mb))
chunksize = 10000
with open(outfile, 'ab') as csvfile:
    while (os.path.getsize(outfile)//1024**2) < outsize_mb:
        data = [[uuid.uuid4() for i in range(chunksize)],
                np.random.randint(1000000, size=(chunksize,)),
                [uuid.uuid4() for i in range(chunksize)]]
        csvfile.writelines(['%s,%.6f,%.6f,%i,%s\n' % row for row in zip(*data)])

The following shows sample rows generated by the script:

head file00.csv

To generate five CSV files of approximately 5 GB each, run the following commands:

python ./gen_csv.py file00.csv 5120 &
python ./gen_csv.py file01.csv 5120 &
python ./gen_csv.py file02.csv 5120 &
python ./gen_csv.py file03.csv 5120 &
python ./gen_csv.py file04.csv 5120 &

Load sample data

cassandra-loader is a general-purpose bulk loader for CQL that supports various types of delimited files, particularly CSV files. For details, review the README file of the YugabyteDB cassandra-loader fork. Note that cassandra-loader requires quotes for collection types (for example, "[1,2,3]" rather than [1,2,3] for lists).

You can install cassandra-loader as follows:

wget https://github.com/yugabyte/cassandra-loader/releases/download/<latest-version>/cassandra-loader
chmod a+x cassandra-loader

You can run cassandra-loader and queue up the files for upload one at a time, as follows:

./cassandra-loader \
    -schema "load.users(user_id, score1, score2, points, object_id)" \
    -boolStyle 1_0 \
    -numFutures 1000 \
    -rate 10000 \
    -queryTimeout 65 \
    -numRetries 10 \
    -progressRate 200000 \
    -host <clusterNodeIP> \
    -f file01.csv

For additional options, refer to cassandra-loader options.

Export data

You can install cassandra-unloader as follows:

wget https://github.com/brianmhess/cassandra-loader/releases/download/<latest-version>/cassandra-unloader
chmod a+x cassandra-unloader

You can run cassandra-unloader as follows:

./cassandra-unloader \
   -schema "load.users(user_id, score1, score2, points, object_id)" \
   -boolStyle 1_0 \
   -host <clusterNodeIP> \
   -f outfile.csv

For additional options, refer to cassandra-unloader options.

Best practices

Be sure to always specify the time zone, as it is not added to the default timestamp formats when using the cassandra-loader and cassandra-unloader utilities. Timestamps must be exported and imported in the same format, including the time zone. For example, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ and yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX.

It is recommended to use tab character as delimiter on JSONB columns, as the default delimiter, comma ( , ) does not work with these type of columns. For example, -delim $'\t'.