This page documents the preview version (v2.21). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Find resources for getting started, migrating existing databases, using your database, and architecting for scalability, reliability, and security.

Introducing YugabyteDB

Video: Introducing YugabyteDB: The Distributed SQL Database for Mission-Critical Applications
Learn about YugabyteDB and how it supports mission-critical applications.
Documentation: Key benefits
Why YugabyteDB should power your next cloud-native application.
Article: Distributed SQL 101
How Distributed SQL powers database modernization and cloud-native applications.
Article: How to Scale a Single-Server Database: A Guide to Distributed PostgreSQL
Why you need Distributed PostgreSQL to truly scale.
Article: Distributed SQL vs Sharded Postgres
Article: Distributed SQL vs NoSQL vs NewSQL
Learn the difference between distributed SQL and other strategies for scaling.
Blog: How 7 Real-World Customers are Using YugabyteDB Aeon
Real-world use cases for moving to a distributed database.
Video: Global Applications with YugabyteDB
Documentation: Build Global Apps
Explore how to design and build global applications with YugabyteDB.
Blog: Unlocking the Power of Event Streaming with YugabyteDB
Real world use cases for streaming data with YugabyteDB.
Video: Architecting a Highly Available and Resilient Systems of Record
Learn how YugabyteDB can be deployed as a system of record and integrates into the broader data ecosystem.

Features and architecture

Documentation: Resiliency, high availability, and fault tolerance
Learn how YugabyteDB survives and recovers from outages.
Blog: Data Replication in YugabyteDB
Learn the different data replication options available with YugabyteDB.

Get started

Video: How to Start YugabyteDB on Your Laptop
Try YugabyteDB out by running it on your laptop in five minutes.
Product Lab: Create Global Applications
Test YugabyteDB features using a demo application in real time.
Documentation: Quick Start
Try it out for free, in the cloud or on your laptop.
Documentation: Start a multi-node cluster with Yugabyted
Create a multi-node cluster on your laptop.
Documentation: Explore YugabyteDB
Learn about YugabyteDB features, with examples.
Article: Get started using Docker
Use Docker compose to start YugabyteDB with yugabyted.


Playlist: Database Migration using YugabyteDB Voyager
Learn how you can migrate databases to YugabyteDB quickly and securely.
Blog: Simplify Database Migration with New YugabyteDB Voyager
Use YugabyteDB Voyager to migrate from legacy and single-cloud databases.
Documentation: YugabyteDB Voyager
Simplify migration from legacy and cloud databases to YugabyteDB.
Blog: Improving PostgreSQL: How to Overcome the Tough Challenges with YugabyteDB
Problem areas in PostgreSQL and how to resolve them in YugabyteDB.

Database operations

Blog: Seven Multi-Region Deployment Best Practices
Learn how to reduce latencies and improve performance in a multi-region deployment.
Documentation: Deploy YugabyteDB
Deploy to the public cloud, a private data center, or Kubernetes.
Blog: Rapid Data Recovery
Learn how YugabyteDB performs swift data recovery.
Documentation: Backup and restore
Backup, restore, and point-in-time-recovery.
Documentation: Upgrade YugabyteDB
Upgrade a deployment.


Documentation: Hello world
Use your favorite programming language to build an application that uses YSQL or YCQL APIs.
Video: Distributed PostgreSQL Essentials for Developers: Hands-on Course
Documentation: Build and learn the essential capabilities of YugabyteDB
Build a scalable and fault-tolerant movie recommendation service.
Documentation: Best practices
Tips and tricks to build applications for high performance and availability.
Documentation: Drivers and ORMs
Connect applications with your database.


Blog: Database Connection Management: Exploring Pools and Performance
Database connection management with YugabyteDB.
Blog: Understanding Client Connections and How Connection Pooling Works in YugabyteDB YSQL
Understand client connections in YugabyteDB, and how connection pooling helps.


Article: Explain Analyze Dist
YugabyteDB distributed execution plans.
Documentation: Query Tuning How To
Query tuning in YugabyteDB.
Blog: YugabyteDB Memory Tuning for YSQL
Best practices for tuning memory with a YSQL workload.


Blog: Distributed Indexes for Optimal Query Performance
Design indexes to get the best query performance from a distributed database.
Blog: Boost Queries with Index Only Scan
Learn how Index Only Scan can boost secondary index queries in a distributed SQL database.
Article: Covering Indexes
Optimize index creation by covering the right columns.
Documentation: Secondary Indexes in YugabyteDB
Explore secondary indexes in YugabyteDB using YSQL.
Article: Range indexes for LIKE queries in YugabyteDB
Techniques for performing LIKE queries in YugabyteDB.


Blog: Optimize Pagination in a Distributed Database
Design queries to return data with pagination while maintaining global ordering.
Article: Efficient Pagination in YugabyteDB
Learn about the best indexing pattern for PostgreSQL and YugabyteDB.
Article: Pagination with an OFFSET is better without OFFSET
Learn why you shouldn't use OFFSET for pagination.


Blog: How to Avoid Hotspots
Article: Scalable Range Indexes To Avoid Hotspots on Indexes (For range queries and Top-n queries)
Learn how to avoid hotspots on range-based indexes in distributed databases.


Blog: Engineering Around the Physics of Latency
Learn about the geo-distributed deployment topologies offered by YugabyteDB.
Article: Local Reads in Geo-Distributed YugabyteDB
Perform local reads in geo-distributed YugabyteDB databases.
Blog: Multi-Region Best Practices
Techniques to reduce latencies and improve performance in a multi-region deployment.