Find resources for getting started, migrating existing databases, using your database, and architecting for scalability, reliability, and security.

Introducing YugabyteDB

Video: Introducing YugabyteDB: The Distributed SQL Database for Mission-Critical Applications
Learn about YugabyteDB and how it supports mission-critical applications.
Documentation: Key benefits
Why YugabyteDB should power your next cloud-native application.
Article: Distributed SQL 101
How Distributed SQL powers database modernization and cloud-native applications.
Article: How to Scale a Single-Server Database: A Guide to Distributed PostgreSQL
Why you need Distributed PostgreSQL to truly scale.
Article: Distributed SQL vs Sharded Postgres
Article: Distributed SQL vs NoSQL vs NewSQL
Learn the difference between distributed SQL and other strategies for scaling.
Blog: How 7 Real-World Customers are Using YugabyteDB Aeon
Real-world use cases for moving to a distributed database.
Video: Global Applications with YugabyteDB
Documentation: Build Global Apps
Explore how to design and build global applications with YugabyteDB.
Blog: Unlocking the Power of Event Streaming with YugabyteDB
Real world use cases for streaming data with YugabyteDB.
Video: Architecting a Highly Available and Resilient Systems of Record
Learn how YugabyteDB can be deployed as a system of record and integrates into the broader data ecosystem.

Features and architecture

Documentation: Resiliency, high availability, and fault tolerance
Learn how YugabyteDB survives and recovers from outages.
Blog: Data Replication in YugabyteDB
Learn the different data replication options available with YugabyteDB.

Get started

Video: How to Start YugabyteDB on Your Laptop
Try YugabyteDB out by running it on your laptop in five minutes.
Product Lab: Create Global Applications
Test YugabyteDB features using a demo application in real time.
Documentation: Quick Start
Try it out for free, in the cloud or on your laptop.
Documentation: Start a multi-node cluster with Yugabyted
Create a multi-node cluster on your laptop.
Documentation: Explore YugabyteDB
Learn about YugabyteDB features, with examples.
Article: Get started using Docker
Use Docker compose to start YugabyteDB with yugabyted.


Playlist: Database Migration using YugabyteDB Voyager
Learn how you can migrate databases to YugabyteDB quickly and securely.
Blog: Simplify Database Migration with New YugabyteDB Voyager
Use YugabyteDB Voyager to migrate from legacy and single-cloud databases.
Documentation: YugabyteDB Voyager
Simplify migration from legacy and cloud databases to YugabyteDB.
Blog: Improving PostgreSQL: How to Overcome the Tough Challenges with YugabyteDB
Problem areas in PostgreSQL and how to resolve them in YugabyteDB.

Database operations

Blog: Seven Multi-Region Deployment Best Practices
Learn how to reduce latencies and improve performance in a multi-region deployment.
Documentation: Deploy YugabyteDB
Deploy to the public cloud, a private data center, or Kubernetes.
Blog: Rapid Data Recovery
Learn how YugabyteDB performs swift data recovery.
Documentation: Backup and restore
Backup, restore, and point-in-time-recovery.
Documentation: Upgrade YugabyteDB
Upgrade a deployment.


Documentation: Hello world
Use your favorite programming language to build an application that uses YSQL or YCQL APIs.
Video: Distributed PostgreSQL Essentials for Developers: Hands-on Course
Documentation: Build and learn the essential capabilities of YugabyteDB
Build a scalable and fault-tolerant movie recommendation service.
Documentation: Best practices
Tips and tricks to build applications for high performance and availability.
Documentation: Drivers and ORMs
Connect applications with your database.


Blog: Database Connection Management: Exploring Pools and Performance
Database connection management with YugabyteDB.
Blog: Understanding Client Connections and How Connection Pooling Works in YugabyteDB YSQL
Understand client connections in YugabyteDB, and how connection pooling helps.


Article: Explain Analyze Dist
YugabyteDB distributed execution plans.
Documentation: Query Tuning How To
Query tuning in YugabyteDB.
Blog: YugabyteDB Memory Tuning for YSQL
Best practices for tuning memory with a YSQL workload.


Blog: Distributed Indexes for Optimal Query Performance
Design indexes to get the best query performance from a distributed database.
Blog: Boost Queries with Index Only Scan
Learn how Index Only Scan can boost secondary index queries in a distributed SQL database.
Article: Covering Indexes
Optimize index creation by covering the right columns.
Documentation: Secondary Indexes in YugabyteDB
Explore secondary indexes in YugabyteDB using YSQL.
Article: Range indexes for LIKE queries in YugabyteDB
Techniques for performing LIKE queries in YugabyteDB.


Blog: Optimize Pagination in a Distributed Database
Design queries to return data with pagination while maintaining global ordering.
Article: Efficient Pagination in YugabyteDB
Learn about the best indexing pattern for PostgreSQL and YugabyteDB.
Article: Pagination with an OFFSET is better without OFFSET
Learn why you shouldn't use OFFSET for pagination.


Blog: How to Avoid Hotspots
Article: Scalable Range Indexes To Avoid Hotspots on Indexes (For range queries and Top-n queries)
Learn how to avoid hotspots on range-based indexes in distributed databases.


Blog: Engineering Around the Physics of Latency
Learn about the geo-distributed deployment topologies offered by YugabyteDB.
Article: Local Reads in Geo-Distributed YugabyteDB
Perform local reads in geo-distributed YugabyteDB databases.
Blog: Multi-Region Best Practices
Techniques to reduce latencies and improve performance in a multi-region deployment.